Chapter 12: Luka's POV

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Wow, flashback to riding on Blackjack. The only difference is that this isn't Blackjack, and I'm not holding onto someone else's girlfriend. I mean, it's not like this was any better though... Jackie was not the most ideal person to be flying really high in the sky with.

Manhattan wasn't very far from Long island, so before I knew it,Harper had already started to descend. We landed in a small park that was surrounded with a bunch of apartment complexes.

"Come on stupid," Jackie laughed looking at me over her shoulder, "Oh my Gods, your hair is a mess."

Shit. I absolutely hate it when my hair isn't neat.

"Whatever," I mumbled, sliding off Harper to stand next to Jackie. She smirked, shaking her head as I desperately tried to fix my hair.

"I think their apartment is in that building," she said pointing to one on the right. Without waiting for my response, she patted Harper on the back and started walking. I followed her, like I had a choice, and within a minute we were standing at the entrance of the building. Jackie scanned the list of numbers next to the phone that was on the wall that was used for calling people in their apartments.

"Here, Paul Blowfis and Sally Jackson," she mumbled, punching in the code on the phone. She held up the phone to her ear and waited for someone to pick up.

"Paul Blowfish?" I asked, "What is he, an aquatic animal?" Jackie gave me a look. I decided to shut up.

"Hello?" I heard a muffled voice come from the phone.

"Hi Mrs. Jackson, this is Jackie Elway, I'm from Camp. I was just wondering if Percy's home? Chiron sent me," Jackie sounded overly sweet. Suck up. Mrs. Jackson said a couple other things that I couldn't make out, and then a buzzer sounded as the front door unlocked.

"Come on, he's home," Jackie opened the door and walked inside, so I followed her up the steps. When we reached the right door, Jackie knocked, stepping back so the door could open. A boy who looked about the same height and age as me, well maybe he was a year or two older, opened the door. He had green eyes and messy black hair that gave me literal anxiety. It's really not that hard to brush your hair people.

"Heyyy Jackie," the boy said wearily. "What's up?"

"Hi Percy! This won't take long, I swear, we just need to talk to you for a couple of minutes." Percy looked relieved, "I thought you were going to say something about me going on another quest, and it's nothing against you, but I was prepared to slam this door in your face." Jackie grinned at that. "Actually this is my quest, I'm really excited! Oh, and by the way, this is Luka... he's kinda stupid so don't expect much from him," she smirked and walked past Percy. I stuck my hand out and he shook it.

"Don't mind her," he smiled, "She's rude to all guys she finds hot."

Wooooowiiiieee. She finds me hot? Great. That's the last thing I wanted.

"Really?" I was feeling particularly sassy at this point. "Hmm well aren't all girls with daddy issues rude."

Percy grinned. I followed him into the apartment where Jackie was ranting about our quest to a tall girl with curly blonde hair and grey eyes. "This is my girlfriend, Annabeth," Percy gestured to her, "Annabeth, this is Luka." Annabeth smiled and gave me a little wave, "I'd introduce you to my parents but my dad is at work and my mom is probably writing or something." I just nod and follow him over towards a sitting area.

"So Jackie, what did you need to talk to me about?" Percy asked, plopping down on the couch and waving at us to do the same.

"Riptide," she answered, sitting down next to Annabeth. Jackie explained the whole business with the relics, our quest, and how Percy's sword, Anaklusmos, is Poseidon's relic.

"We just need to check that it's safe and we'll be on our way. We might need to call on you to bring it to Camp sometime but that's pretty much it."

Percy nodded slowly, processing all this. "Alright," he said, pulling his arm off Annabeth's shoulders to take a ballpoint pen out of his pocket. "Here it is."

A pen? That was the relic? Oh... alright I guess. I mean, it's a nice pen, looks to be on the more expensive side... whatever. Percy uncapped it and all of a sudden a long sword appeared in his hand in a flash of light. The pen was nowhere to be seen. Ok. Alright. Completely normal. Don't freak out. Well... a magic sword being the relic? That makes a lot more sense, and I have to admit, it was pretty dope, but it still scared the heck out of me. After all, I had jumped backwards, almost falling off the armchair I was sitting in.

"I love that thing," Jackie grinned, leaning back in her seat. Percy smiled and put the cap back onto the tip of the sword, and it shrunk back into pen-form. "Me too," he answered.

Annabeth suddenly piped in, "So... Do you two know where you're going next? Or are you just winging it?" Her gray eyes were extremely calculating, and it was honestly pretty intimidating. I tried to come up with a response, but I had no idea where we were going. Of course I had no idea. Jackie, being the bitch that she is, wouldn't tell me anything, and it was starting to piss me off a bit.

"I do," Jackie smirked, "But I don't really feel like telling Luka."

I was about to throw hands. Percy suppressed a smile. "C'mon Jackie don't be mean."

"Ughh fine," she dramatically flipped her messy hair behind her shoulder. Again, it's not that hard to keep your hair neat. Apparently it is for Jackie, though. Don't be a Jackie. No one likes a Jackie.

She sighed, "Next we're going to Ohio to collect Mr. D's relic." Annabeth rolled her eyes at the mention of 'Mr. D,' then said, "Have fun with that."

Who's Mr. D? I felt so stupid to be honest, but its not like anyone was telling me anything. I decided not to ask so it didn't seem like I was a complete dumbass.

"Do you know what his relic is?" Percy asked. Jackie nodded but didn't elaborate. Wonderful.

We needed to leave. Like actually, this was so annoying.

I sighed, "Um, Jackie maybe we should head out if we want to get all this over with." She glared at me.


I quickly stood up and Percy did the same. He walked me to the door and I looked back. Jackie and Annabeth were talking in hushed voices about something, so I figured we should give them a minute or two.

"Good luck," Percy looked at me sheepishly. I nodded my head in response, not really wanting to say anything. He sighed, "Look, Luka. She may seem like a little much but she's been through a lot, go easy on her, alright?" He looked at me expectantly.

I squinted my eyes at him, "Dude why do us guys always have to be the ones to take the heat? As far as I'm concerned, I don't think I deserve to be abused, both emotionally and physically, by a condescending little monkey."

Percy had to cover his mouth to hold back a laugh. "Luka!"

I grinned, "But since you asked so nicely, I guess I'll have to give her a little leeway." He nodded his head in approval. Wow. Let's see how long this lasts before I completely lose my chill with her. 

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