Chapter 5: Jackie's POV

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I follow Rachel up the steps of the Big House and head over to the ping pong table, where Chiron is seated in his wheelchair, looking over some documents. He looks up when we enter and folds the papers in front of him neatly, then tucks them away into his pocket.

"Hello girls. How can I help you?"

"Apparently I just gave Jackie a prophecy. It's the one, Chiron. The one about the relics." Rachel states bluntly. I'm still confused as hell, but Chiron seems to know exactly what the redhead is talking about. He nods at her curtly without even glancing at me.

"You gave this prophecy to Jaquelin only? Nobody else was in your presence?" He asks. Rachel looks at me, unsure.

"She did," I answer, "I was the only one there when she started speaking in the Oracle's voice."

"Thank you. Rachel, you may leave. I need to speak to Jaquelin alone." Rachel nods, gives me a little smile, and leaves the room.

"Jaquelin, could you recite the whole prophecy for me?"

"Uh, sure..." I start, and begin repeating the prophecy for the second time today.

"Hmm..." Chiron mumbles as I finish the last verse. "It's exactly as I remember it."

"Sir... Do you mind explaining to me what exactly is going on?" I can't take this any longer. The confusion, suspense, nerves... I just need to know what the Hades is happening!

"Yes, of course, child," he sighs, "This is not going to be very pleasant news..."

Chiron begins by telling me about 12 ancient relics bestowed by the gods to each cabin at Camp Halfblood. Each possessed a certain power, and these relics were often used for quests and competitions at camp. Over time, they were all lost, stolen, or hidden away. Recently, two had been discovered. Riptide, which was currently in the possession of Percy Jackson, and Hephaestus's toolbelt, which was in the possession of Leo Valdez. Apparently, united, the relics were believed to hold great power. Nobody knew exactly what this power was, since one single person had never been in possession of all 12 at once. The knowledge of the relics had long since been lost to the past, concealed by Chiron for fear that some evil force would hear of them and obtain them and unleash their combined power. Apparently, besides Rachel, who doesn't even know what the relics are, the only one he has ever told about the prophecy is Reyna, the praetor at Camp Jupiter.

"So... what does all that have to do with me?" I ask, still a bit confused.

Chiron sighs and gives me a sad sort of smile.

"Many years ago, a boy from the Demeter cabin stumbled upon a runestone in the woods. Written on it, in Ancient Greek, was the exact same prophecy that you just recited for me."

"Wh- what?" I stare at him in disbelief.

"Yes, I'm afraid it's true. Jaquelin, the prophecy speaks of two demigods, one Roman and one Greek, who must retrieve these relics before some evil force gets their hands on them. You are one of those demigods. The other... Well I'll have to contact Reyna. We don't know who they are just yet."

"So... So you're saying I get to go on a quest?!" I exclaim, hardly daring to believe it's true.

"Yes, child. But it will be dangerous."

I frown. Well obviously it's going to be dangerous. But it's a quest! I finally have a chance to do something with my life. To prove that I'm actually worth something. And maybe I'll finally get to explore... leave camp for the first time in six years and see the world.

"Well, I accept."

"That's good to hear," Chiron gives me a little nod and pulls a golden drachma out of his pocket. "I'm going to give Reyna a call to find out if anything has happened at Camp Jupiter. She's been in on this prophecy for years now. If we're lucky, she'll hopefully have discovered who the Roman demigod is from the prophecy."

I hang back while Chiron goes to his office to Iris Message the praetor. Not even two minutes later, he reappears and wheels his way through the door.

"So? Any news?"

"She's found him. He just arrived at Camp Jupiter today, and the first thing he did was tell Frank Zhang about a dream that he had... it was about the relics and the gods. Then he was claimed by Apollo. I told Reyna to send him to our camp as soon as possible."

"What's his name?"

"Luka Del Rosso."

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