Chapter 9 - Staring contest?

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Lucas watched as the two pairs of eyes looked at him. One, with slight annoyance, and the other with intrigue. Embarrassment welled up inside of him from being stared at so intensely that he was at a loss for words. The woman with green eyes especially unnerved him because he felt as if her eyes were leading him into an abyss that he could not get out of.

"Y-you called for me Alpha?" he slightly stammered.

Austin took a deep breath, "Check on her."

His tone left no space for arguments. Lucas hesitating walked into the bathroom and carefully crouched in front of the woman. He reached out his hand and just as he was about to touch her, he suddenly heard Austin say, "Wait.".

He quickly pulled his hand back and watched as he took off his jacket and covered the woman's body with it. Once her body was covered, Austin signalled for Lucas to continue. He closely observed her condition and reached out towards her to place his hand on her head when he noticed her staring at him, causing him to freeze.

The woman's profound gaze made it hard for him to continue, and the longer she did the more it made him squirm. The woman's expression was blank, but her eyes made it feel as if he was being stared down by a predator but quickly shook off his thoughts thinking how ridiculous it sounded. Weren't they the predators here?

He tried to ignore her piercing gaze and checked her temperature which was surprisingly normal. He took out the small flash light once again and check here eyes. Once he finished her check up, he turned to Austin and explained, "Everything seems to be alright. She's looking a lot better than I thought she would be. Her temperature is normal and her complexion is regaining more colour, but it's better to get her dried of quickly before she gets sick,"

Hearing his explanation, Austin nodded.

"I'll be outside if you need me," Lucas said before getting up and leaving.

Once he was gone, Austin turned to Amara. His blue eyes deep making it hard to tell what he was thinking.

"What's your name, love?" He asked gently.

Amara remained silent. The sound of his voice, for some reason made her feel tingly before quickly going away. Her silence made Austin think that she didn't want to answer and so although slightly disappointed, he didn't ask again.

"Amara." Her voice was soft and silvery, instantly pulling at his heart strings.

"Amara..." he repeated, his eyes becoming soft, "That's a beautiful name... Amara, can you stand up for me?" He spoke to her as if she was a fawn that would easily get scared at the tiniest thing.

Amara nodded and leaned against the wall, trying to pull herself up. Her legs trembled and just as she was about to collapse, Austin was able to quickly grab her arms to steady her. He placed her arm over his shoulder and wrapped his around her waist. He was tempted to just carry her but he was afraid that that would scare her to much.
As they exited the bathroom, Jackson and the other came into view, raising Amara's vigilance immediately. Austin felt her body tense and couldn't help but assure her, "It's ok, they're not going to hurt you,"

Amara glanced at him but her body didn't relax at all. Amara looked at each of them one by one for any signs that they were going to attack her. When she didn't find any, her body eased up a little. Austin silently breathed a sigh of relief because he knew this was about as much as was going to get.

"Jessie, can you help Amara change into some dry clothes?" Jessie looked at him before slowly nodding her head. He simply thought that Amara would be more comfortable with a woman to help change her clothes than a man.

With his eyes, Austin signalled the others to leave room, but before leaving, Felix glanced at Jessie slightly worried. Jessie mouthed an 'I'll be fine' to reassure him, and with a kiss on the side of her head, he left.

The four stood outside of the door when Felix asked "Are you sure it's alright to leave them alone together?"

"Amara will feel more at ease with a woman than a man," Austin said grimly, "Don't worry, Jessie won't be harmed in any way." He said, reassuring him.

"Damn dude! Your mate's gorgeous!" Jackson said cutting the tense atmosphere. Austin glared at him, his eyes turning dark.

Jackson felt a cold chill run down his spine, "Hey, hey chill! You're looking at me like you want to murder me or something!"
In the other room, neither Jessie or Amara had moved from their spot. They two stood face to face, staring at each other with inquisitive eyes.

Despite feeling nervous, Jessie shook it off and displayed a bright smile, "Hi, my name's Jessie." She said stretching out her hand. Amara gave it a glance before looking back up.

Seeing as Amara didn't have any intentions of shaking her hand, she quickly pulled it back, giving an awkward laugh to cover up the weird atmosphere around them. After that awkward greeting, Jessie walked to the cabinet and took out a towel and a new change of clothes and awkwardly handed them to Amara.

"Um, here you go, you can use these to dry yourself off," Jessie waited for her to take them but Amara merely gave them a glance before moving her eyes back to her.

When she saw that Amara wasn't going to take the towel, she took a deep breath and carefully stepped forward, gently placing her hand on her arm when she heard her hiss in pain. It was then did she notice her bruised covered arm filled with puncture holes that looked quite sore. Her eyes immediately turned sympathetic as she imagined what this poor girl had gone through.

"Let me help you change, ok?" She looked at her earnestly.

Seeing her eyes, Amara slowly nodded her head. Jessie moved closer to her, leaving only a hair width of space between them. Because her height only reached Amara's shoulders, she stood on her toes to be able to unbutton her shirt.

With her first button undone, Jessie could see her perfectly unblemished ivory skin that laid beneath her shirt which was a big contrast to her golden skin tone. She unconsciously gulped and lifted her head to take a peek at the woman in front of her, only to find that Amara had already been looking down on her.

At a closer angle, she noticed that Amara's features were beautifully shaped. Her eyes were bright, with long, thick lashes; her nose was slim and narrow; her lips were red and full; and her skin was flawless. She possessed a tall, well-proportioned body that most woman would kill for. Her aura that was naturally seductive possessed a hint of mystery that drew people in.

Jessie was so caught up in her thoughts that it wasn't until she felt a hand in her cheek was she able to snap out of her stupor. She jumped back in surprise with a scream. When she remembered what just happened, her cheeks burned with embarrassment.

She froze when she heard a soft chuckle. Her voice was more enchanting that she had thought.

"What a cute little human..." she heard her say in a language she couldn't couldn't understand. Just as she was about to open her mouth and say something, the door behind her burst open revealing three men.

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