Chapter 21 - Not human?

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Austin carried Amara home and gently laid her on the bed, she had not yet opened her eyes.

When Lucas arrived at the scene he had immediately checked on her and deemed that she was not hurt and just sleeping, this eased Austin's heart.

After they arrived at his house, Jessie had changed her into pajamas before laying her to bed. Austin stayed beside her never leaving her side, but he was strangely quiet. After warning Jessie he did not speak more than a couple of sentences and only watched Amara.

Jackson gripped Austin's shoulder reassuring him that she was going to be ok. He reluctantly let go of Asmara's hand and carefully buried it under the blanket. He slightly turned his head and gave Jackson a slight nod.

After looking at her one more time he slowly stands up and quietly walks out of the room. Following closely behind him were Felix, Lucas, Jessie, and Jackson. Lucas felt the need to once again reassure Austin that there were no internal or external injuries and for what felt like the hundredth time today Austin sighed.

Just as they were about to head downstairs the faint sounds of movement caught Austin's ears, he immediately turned around and abruptly entered the room once again.

There, he sees Amara groggily trying to sit up. She looked so weak that it seemed like a gust of wind would have been enough to blow her over. Worried, he swiftly runs to her side and immediately helps her with eyes full of concern "you shouldn't be getting up, lay down" his voice was tender as if it was coated with honey. Amara ignores his protests and continues to sit up.

Seeing that she wasn't going to listen to him Austin slid behind her and had her lean on his chest.

"Amara" says Lucas "Why did you leave with no one accompanying you? You could've been hurt" his tone almost as if he was talking to a child.

She kept silent before answering "it was calling me"

Lucas's eyes immediately furrowed.

No one in the room could understand the language that she spoke in so they couldn't understand her.

"What language is this?"

Lucas blinks a couple of times before saying "Latin" with much surprise

"Isn't that a dead language?

"Not entirely, we can moderately read Latin but no one can speak it because there were no native speakers for centuries so the language died."

"Then, how do you know it's Latin?"

"I learned a little in university, I can say a couple sentences and words but that's about it. No one can fluently speak it."

"What did she say Lucas" Austin bit out

"She said that something was calling her?" he says unsure

Everyone stood shocked

"Who was calling you?" Lucas asks Amara, his whole attention was on her. The fact that she could speak Latin shocked him but to speak so fluently? unbelievable.

From the moment he saw Amara he couldn't get the idea that she wasn't human out of his head. He had a theory, that other supernaturals other than werewolves and vampires existed. The only reason why they don't know if they do is because there are no reliable records.

"Amara, can you tell us who was calling you?" Gently asked Austin

"Home" She says finally.

As if to say that she wasn't going to answer anymore, she buries her head into Austin's chest.



The five of them silently walked out of the room. Amara had once again fallen asleep.

After that conversation no one has said a word, they were all trying to figure out Amara's cryptic words. Her home was calling her? Did that mean that she wanted to go home?

Before they could think any more they heard Austin tell them to go to his office, Austin's voice made it clear that it was an order and not a request.

Before they could answer he already started walking away.

The air surrounding their alpha was frightening, they all looked at each other with concern before reluctantly following after him.

Austin felt livid. The very thought that he could never see Amara again made him paralyzed with fear. Thinking back, he now realizes how close he was to losing her.

When they reached Austin's office the mild smell of tobacco mixed with a hint of coffee filled their noses. Austin walked over to his desk and pulled out a packet of cigarettes from his drawer and smoothly lit one up. Based on his actions smoking wasn't anything new to him, but ever since Amara came into his life he had smoked less frequently.

He brought the cigarette into his mouth and inhaled, after a moment a white puff of smoke could be seen as he blew out and the scent of tobacco strengthened.

For a few moments, no one spoke and let Austin smoke his cigarette but for some reason, the room felt stifling.

Feeling the atmosphere around them Lucas gulped, he wondered if he should tell him about his speculation but then again there wasn't enough evidence to support it except his gut feeling. After an internal debate, he decided that even if he was wrong no one would get hurt, right?

He nervously stepped forward "Alpha, I don't think Amara's human"

He heard a couple of gasps in the room

Austin's hand gripped the edge of the table "Explain"

"I-i don't know she just- doesn't seem human, you know? like, you look at her and-"

Austin understood what Lucas was trying to say and he admits that he thought the same way. It's not just her otherworldly beauty but her entire being.

Lucas continued

"The way her injuries were inflicted and the puncture holes on her arms made me suspicious. As a doctor myself I am quite familiar as to how we draw blood and the puncture holes were done quite accurately. This tells me that the person inflicting those wounds knew what they were doing, and if my theory is right and she's not human then... it all makes sense."

"What are you implying Lucas" Austin's eyes were dark

"That what happened with Amara, her wounds, everything, was because of 'what' she is. She was kidnapped"

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