Chapter 51 - Library

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Austin and Jackson came home an hour earlier than usual. Seeing Felix in the kitchen, they looked around for their mates. When they didn't see any signs of them, they glanced at Felix questioningly.

Knowing what they wanted to ask, Felix couldn't help but roll his eyes. Placing his cup on the counter, he said, "They're in the library. Martha came by today to teach them and left a couple minutes ago,"

Austin nodded, "And how was it?"

Felix sighed and shook his head, "They're incredible. I've never seen somebody consume information at such a rapid pace. They put geniuses to shame. I can hardly believe that creatures with such intellect have never been discovered... The things they're capable of is unimaginable,"

Austin could sense where he was going with this, "Felix. They hid for a reason. They were hunted down, captured and killed like animals. We are no different from them. If they want to stay hidden then they will stay hidden."

Felix sighed, "I understand Austin, but have you ever thought of what they could accomplish—"

"Felix, that's enough," said Jackson. His voice sounded stern.

"Ok, I won't bring it up again,"

They walked away, their feet leading them to the library upstairs. Felix watches their backs before picking up his cup of coffee once again and taking a sip.

Austin and Jackson walked away, their feet leading them to the library that was upstairs that was beside his office. Felix watched their backs before picking his cup of coffee up once again.

Austin lightly knocked on the library door. When he didn't hear anything for a while, he decided to open it and walk inside.

He saw Amara and her sibling on the ground, sitting in a circle with their backs to each other. Each of them was surrounded by a pile of books. Austin and Jackson could hear them turning the pages every three seconds making them wonder if they were reading them at all.

Amara lifted her head when she heard the door open thinking it was Felix. But when she saw that it was Austin her eyes visibly lit up and a small smile appeared on her lips. She put the book in her hands down and walked towards him. Austin habitually opened his arms and held her body in his hands.

"Hey, what are you doing?" He asked whilst pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

Amara pointed to the stack of books behind her, "Reading,"

"I thought your lessons finished already," he said softly.

"They have. The books were just interesting,"

Austin walked over to the pile of books and picked one off the ground. The book in his hand was titled 'Romeo and Juliet' a classic. The book was an original copy so it was written in a way that most people couldn't understand nowadays.

"I was halfway done reading that one," Amara said.

Austin flipped through the book, trying to recall the story. It's been years since he had picked up this book. He read it once and left it to collect dust on his shelf. He always thought that the storyline was stupid. That it was overdramatic and surreal. He still thinks so, except for the love part.

"What do you think about it?"

"Well, I think that they're very stupid. Why did they readily give their lives up for love? It's dumb." She paused and looked at him, "Are humans always this stupid?" She asked.

Austin lightly laughed, "Not just humans. You see, love... is a very powerful emotion. It makes you do things you otherwise would never think you'd do,"

"It sounds dangerous..."

"It can be..."

Amara looked up at him, "Do you believe in love?"

He stepped closer to her and lightly traced her face with his fingers, "I do,"

Austin looked at her, his eyes softening. He took in every inch of her face but mostly focused on her eyes. He loved her eyes, he could stare at them for hours and not get tired. There was something about them that just sucked you in making it almost impossible to look away. He noticed that the three siblings all had different coloured eyes and yet they gave off the same alluring vibes.

Amara maintained her gaze but somehow found herself wanting to avert them. He looked at her so intensely that her heart began to race. She wanted to place her hand over her heart but to her, that'd seem like a sign of defeat. Luckily, he finally moved his eyes away resulting in her silently breathing a sigh of relief.

"Come on, you've been cooped up in here for a while right? Let's get lunch,"

Austin took her hand and led her away from the books, before she could even protest, they were already in the hallway.

"Where are we going?"

"We're going out for lunch today,"

"So you won't be making it?" Her voice sounded a little bit disappointed.

Austin slightly smiled, feeling happy at the thought that she preferred his cooking over anything else.

"After lunch, I'll take you to a book shop,"

Amara's eyes brightened up at his words and she nodded enthusiastically.



The restaurant they went to was one of many owned by Austin. It was more on the high-end side so naturally, the dishes were going to be better than the ones they previously went to. The interior decor also screamed 'expensive' and 'high end and most of the people there had money, whether it be old or new.

Of course, out of everyone in the restaurant, Austin held the highest authority. He was — in retrospect — the one running this country from behind the shadows, the current president was but a figurehead who worked under him.

The way that Austin sat emanated power. Despite wearing plain attire, you could still tell that he was not someone you messed with. His stern face that usually did not show any emotions looked somewhat softer today which had people noticing him somewhat on edge. Who could be responsible for such a change?

The answer sat in front of him. The people could tell by the way he patiently watched her eat, that this man deeply cherished the woman in front of him. His hands had not made any movement to eat from his own plate as his attention was completely captured by her.

Those that were like him immediately knew that the person was his mate. Who else could illicit such behaviour from him?

"I like the food you make better," Amara said after clearing her plate. She was not one to waste food no matter how disappointing it was. Maybe it was because of the constant hunger that plagued her, but no matter how much human food she ate, she couldn't quite get rid of it.

"We won't come here again then,"

The manager that overheard his words paled. His heart shook as he wondered if today was the last day their restaurant would be open. If Austin himself had a negative reaction to their dishes then no one would ever want to come here again and his reputation would plummet. He pleadingly looked at the woman sitting in front of Austin and internally begged her to say a few positive words to him.

Unfortunately, Amara didn't get the signal and merely nodded her head.

The manager's legs became weak and it took all of his strength to walk into another room before fainting.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 07, 2022 ⏰

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