Chapter 14 - Shopping

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"Hi what can I help you with today?" Greeted the sales lady after entering the store

"Hi, I would like to purchase clothes for my friend here" Jessie replied as she pointed towards Amara.

The sales lady followed the direction she was pointing at and inwardly gasped, she was stunned at the beauty standing before her.

The woman's whole aura exuded radiance making it hard for people like her to look away. Due to the fact that she worked at a high end store where woman frequently visited, she developed an ability where she was able to distinguish between superficial beauty.

She felt like the word beautiful wasn't enough to describe this woman. This was because she noticed that she did not have any of that synthetic beauty that women were trying to achieve these days. Rather her beauty was more profound, easily taking anyone's breath away.

She had never met anyone who's emerald green eyes drawn her in more than this person, of course the lady she was talking about was Amara.

Jessie looked between them, It was clear to see that she was completely captivated by her. And for some reason, she felt a sense of relief knowing that it's wasn't only her that reacted this way.

Jessie waved her hand in front of the sales lady's face trying break her from her trance like state.

"Um excuse me?"

"Ah!" The lady jumped in surprise when she realised what she was doing her face turned as red as a tomato.

How could she do something so unprofessional and blatantly stare at a customer? She inwardly cried.

"W-what kind of clothes are you looking for?" 

She said trying to suppress her embarrassment and save the last bit of her dignity.

Now that Jessie thought about it Amara basically didn't have any clothes of her own so they had to buy one of every kind.

She blatantly told the lady, "Enough to fit a whole wardrobe please"

Hearing this the sales lady's eyes widened in surprised before it sparkled with excitement. How lucky was she to find a customer who would raise her sales.

She started bringing piles and piles of clothes in front of them, from summer clothes to winter clothes and everything in between.

Jessie handed Amara some pieces and told her to try them on before pushing her into the changing room.

Jessie sat down on one of the couches and picked up a magazine. Considering that this was high end store and rich madams shop here, then it would obviously be equipped with things that would ensure the customers luxury.

In the changing room Amara looked at the pure white dress that Jessie gave her, after carefully observing how to put clothes on, she was now finally able to do it herself.

She stripped to her underwear and stepped into the white dress pulling it up to her waist as she put her hands through the arm holes.

A few moments later and she finally stepped out of the changing room, Jessie and the sales lady were left dumbfounded.

The colour white usually signified innocence, but on Amara innocence was not the first thing you think of. She looked more like a devil in angels disguise.

The dress hugged her body, almost like a second skin before unravelling at the hip. Her indifferent temperament made her look untouchable, something you can only watch from afar.

A devious idea came to Jessie as she grabbed her phone out of her pocket and secretly took a photo of Amara. She then sent it to Austin with the caption;

Amara and I went shopping, guess I have to work extra hard to keep the flies away huh?

She only wanted to tease Austin little bit but was oblivious to the impact this simple text had on him.




Back at the pack, a group of people sat around a table as they held a meeting to discuss a possible alliance between their, and the Dawn's pack. It was this exact meeting that Austin had to leave Amara for so he was feeling a bit unhappy.

In this meeting, the alpha and beta of the Dawns pack were present and sat on one side of the table while Austin, Felix, and Jackson sat on the other.

The two faced each other as Austin absent-mindedly listened to the other pack laying down their conditions regarding the alliance.

Austin's face was solemn but his eyes were sharp and cold. There was no trace of the persona that he displayed around Amara. The change was so drastic that if anyone saw it they'd think they were two different people entirely.

Austin sighed, he felt bored sitting here and was eager to go home and spend more time with Amara. He picked up the glass of water beside him and drank a sip when a ding went off from his phone.

Just as he was about to turn it off he saw that the one who texted him was Jessie, remembering that she was with Amara he unlocked his phone and checked to see what she sent. Water suddenly sprayed from his mouth causing everyone to still.

They paused and looked towards Austin's direction with their eyebrows raised. The Dawns pack alpha looked at him like he had grown two heads.

"Is everything alright Alpha Austin?" He asked

Austin cleared his throat and sat up straight "Yes Alpha Elias. Pease continue, I apologise for the interruption" he says trying to play it off.

Alpha Elias felt a little skeptical but continued anyway. Felix, who was standing behind him, handed him a tissue while Jackson stood on the side, his body shaking due to the fact that he was trying his hardest not to burst out laughing.

Being so close to him they had seen what Jessie had sent him and Jackson obviously found his reaction absolutely hilarious.

Austin brought his phone under the table and replied to Jessie while secretly cursing her in his head, how could she bring Amara out without any protection?

A part of him was still sensitive about leaving his mate because this part of him made him feel as if he had to be around her all the time to protect her from any danger.

He knew this was normal to the ones who recently found their mate but he couldn't help but feel anxious, as if something bad was going to happen.

Later on he would find that his feeling was would come true.


Here's another chapter! oh my gosh editing chapters takes sooooo long! this took me nearly the whole day because I couldn't concentrate 😭

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