Chapter 40 - Two mysterious figures

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At almost the same time, the two mysterious figures simultaneously looked at the direction the two men were coming from. The distance between them wasn't big to begin with so it didn't take long before they were close to each other.

"Excuse me," One man said. His tone was completely different to his previous laid back one "We'd like to ask you a couple of questions,"

The man and woman inquisitively glanced at each other.

"What is he saying?" Asked the woman.

"They want to question us,"

The woman looked at the man in front of her and her eyes flashed with distaste. On the other hand, the man beside her looked at them curiously.

"Sister, he smells different," he said tilting his head to the side.

Though the scent was faint, they had spent enough time around humans to distinguish their natural odours. The two men that stood only a couple of metres away had a strange scent that only someone with a very sensitive sense of smell could perceive. The smell didn't come from their clothes per se, but it was present in their sweat and pheromones.

The woman narrowed her eyes in annoyance. If it weren't for the fact that their sister was missing, she would never have stepped foot on the land where humans were scattered everywhere. Even from here she could smell an abundance of them, it was disgusting and she wanted to return home as soon as possible.

"Let's not waste any more time. The sooner we find Amara, the sooner we can leave this God-forsaken place,"

The two walked past them completely ignoring them.

They two men didn't understand a word they were saying but after hearing them say Amara's name once again they began perceiving the situation more seriously. They gave each other knowing looks before one took out his phone and rung Austin, he reported what was going on and after a couple of 'yes sirs', he hung up and looked at his partner.

"He said that he'll be here soon, we just have to keep them here until then,"

Right after he finished saying that they noticed the man and woman begin walking towards the town.

"H-hey stop right there!" One of the men shouted at them.

The two ignored them and continued walking. With no other choice, he ran infant of them blocking their way, he then proceeded to lightly grab her shoulder to prevent them from going any further. He made sure to control his strength in fear that he would use too much strength and accidentally hurt the woman. Her figure was naturally slim and coupled with a very fair complexion, she looked like someone who would easily bruise if handled too roughly.

Unluckily for him, a siren was by no means delicate. Their strength was comparable to that of a werewolf so not to mention a light squeeze, even if he were to punch her in the face a bruise would hardly form.

The moment his hand landed on her shoulder the woman's face immediately contorted in disgust. She grabbed his wrist with enough strength to bring him to his knees while yelling in pain.


His partner looked at the scene in shock, it took a second for him to snap out of it.

"Hey! let go!" He tried pulling them apart by pushing her back but then the world began turning upside down and before he knew it, he was grabbed by the collar and thrown aside like a rag doll bu the man beside her.

He groaned in pain.


In the distance, a black car could be seen pulling over. From this car, Amara and Austin exited out of it and started walking towards the beach where Lairith and Thelopi were. As they got closer the tugging feeling Amara felt intensified. What's going on? This only happens when... but it can't be...

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