Chapter 41 - Lairith

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Suddenly, another car appeared and the people exiting out of them were none other than Jackson, Felix and Jessie. The group collectively walked towards Austin while wondering why they were called here.

As they began to get closer, Jackson felt a spur of emotion well up from inside him. He stopped as he placed a hand over his chest 'what was that?'.

He couldn't define what the feeling was. The closest thing he could think of was anxiety, but unlike anxiety, he didn't feel like something bad was going to happen, just that something is going to happen. He wondered if maybe he should get Lucas to check if anything was wrong with him.

"-son, Jackson!"

He was pulled out of his thoughts when he felt someone grab his arm. Surprised, he instinctively tried to jab the other person.

"Woah!" thankfully moved her head causing Jackson to hit nothing but air.

"Ah! Crap, Sorry!" Realising what he had just done he immediately apologised while awkwardly rubbing his head.

"What's on your mind? You were pretty out of it, I called your name three times," Asked Jessie.

"It's nothing... I'm just having this weird feeling like something's going to happen," he sighed while shaking his head.

Jessie gave him a questioning look, "What do you mean?"

"I don't know- it's just a feeling, it's probably nothing," he waved it off and continued walking. When they arrived at Austin's side, they saw that he was intensely looking in a certain direction. He didn't even turn his head to acknowledge them. Curious, he followed his eyes and immediately noticed two naked figures standing beside Amara, they were talking to each other.

He wasn't the only one who noticed them but the moment Jackson's eyes landed on the unfamiliar woman the whole world seemed to freeze and everything disappeared except her. He stood frozen in his spot, eyes glued onto her.

"U-um Austin, what's going on here? Who are they and why are they naked?" Jessie stammered pointing at the two figures.

Without moving his eyes away from Amara he answered, it was as if he was afraid that she would run into the ocean with the two and never come back "I don't know but Amara seems to be acquainted with them. Did you bring the things that I asked you?"

"Yeah..." she took out some fabrics "So that's why you asked me to bring these,"

The two figures were a considerable distance from them making it hard to see their face clearly. She noticed that the unfamiliar woman had black, waist-length hair just like Amara with skin just as beautiful and pale. She looked somewhat similar to Amara but rather than the indifferent and apathetic attitude that Amara showed, she seemed much colder. Nevertheless, she was just as much as a beauty and could easily take one's breath away.

The man beside them was not inferior in any way. He was taller than them by a couple of inches. His face was beautifully structured with a straight nose, sharp jawline, and thin red lips. His body was tall and lean and she could see the outline of his muscles. His appearance was very different from the ones she was used to. She was often surrounded by big, tan men and it was rare for her to see a man with soft and porcelain skin like him.

Seeing the three of them together made it hard for her to think straight. They were all so extremely gorgeous that for a moment her jaw almost dropped to the floor. She had a very strong urge to squeal like a fangirl meeting their idol for the first time. Jessie was so caught up in looking at them that she didn't notice Jackson's weird behaviour next to her.

His mouth was slightly agape and his eyes wide with disbelief, he couldn't formulate any words. His eyes were firmly on Lairith, and everything else faded into the background.

"Mate..." he quietly mumbled, his voice was so soft that it was hard to hear but with their keen werewolf senses, they heard it loud and clear.

They immediately whipped their heads to him and a look of surprise washed over their faces. Even the usually composed Felix couldn't help but look surprised. He wondered if they were destined to cross paths with these creatures, first Austin and now him?

After the initial shock had passed, Jackson felt his head begin to clear when he noticed that his mate was completely bare.

"Close your eyes!" He harshly ordered everyone, his harsh tone completely unlike his usual easygoing attitude but despite this, they did as he said and closed them. They understood how possessive they could be towards their mates.

He quickly took off his jacket and rushed to his mate's side before wrapping her figure in his clothing. Jackson's Jacket engulfed Lairith's slim figure making her look smaller than she was. Caught off guard, Lairith couldn't do anything to defend against this unexpected 'attack'.

Thinking that a new danger had appeared before them, Lairith quickly stepped away from Jackson while shielding Amara, Thelopi tried to strike at him with his claws but Jackson was able to quickly dodge. Unfortunately, a small trail of blood streamed down his neck where there was a shallow claw mark. He covered his neck with his palm, staining it with blood.

"Stop, Thelopi!" She called out, "He's not an enemy!"

"Amara! He attacked me!" argued Lairith.

"No, he was putting clothes over you. Humans find nudity strange," She held the coat that covered Lairith, "This is a Jacket," she explained.

Lairith looked at the 'jacket' with distaste. She didn't like the way it felt on her skin, it felt irritating, "I don't like it," she said before trying to take it off.

Jackson quickly stopped her, he couldn't stand the thought of someone else seeing her body. He could tell from her expression that she didn't like it.

"Please keep it on," he begged.

Hearing his voice, Lairith looked at him. This was the first time she had properly acknowledged him and the way she looked at him, he knew that she felt nothing towards him, it was like how one would look at an ant.

Seeing her affection-less eyes, Jackson felt a slight pain in his heart, did their bond not affect her at all? He's heard that when mates find each other they'd feel a small spark. It was true that he didn't expect that his mate would be from a completely different species from him but... she should have still felt it... right?

Haaaa.... He doesn't know. It's a lot to take in. Not to mention that it would seem that his mate is related to Amara somehow, it's what made him think that she was a siren, but looking at her appearance, he was almost certain.

His eyes wandered to the man beside her and he couldn't help but feel a burning jealously rise up from within him. He's never felt this way before, he was always calm and understanding. Even when his past girlfriends dumped him for another man, he didn't mind but wished them the best. But just the sight of a man standing next to his mate made him burn with jealousy.


Hey guys! Sorry it's been a while since the last update, but here you go!

Sorry it's a little bit short though :/

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Years!

EDIT 7/01: Hey guys, I wanted to finish writing chapter 46 and 47 first before I update so I have a couple of chapter stockpiled :)

How do you guys feel about Austin's and Amara's relationship? Do you think it's rushed, to slow, or developing well? Let me know :)

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