Chapter 25 - Alike

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The next day Austin woke up feeling annoyed at the fact that he couldn't stay home and spend the day with Amara. This was because the Dawn's pack was leaving today making it so that Austin was required to be present to send them of as a sign of mutual respect.

The same as the previous days, Austin left for work after having breakfast with Amara at nine. Usually, Jessie would be here by now but because of the recent events, she refrained from coming over their house.

Felix had told him that she just needed a bit of time to calm her self and think things through, Austin acknowledged that she needed time to think and so assigned Jackson to temporarily look after her. After what happened before, he was too scared to let her out of his sight.

When Jackson first heard of this arrangement, he was reluctant to accept this order because he was scared of what could happen to him if even a scratch got on Amara; but even after all of his protests, in the end, he was pressured to agree.

He arrived at the house at 9:30 sharp just as he was told to; Afraid that he would get a beating from Austin if he was even a minute late. As soon as he arrived Austin grabbed him by the collar and warned him to make sure that Amara was in his line of sight at all times but also make it so that she doesn't feel suffocated.

While warning Jackson of the consequences, Austin's eyes bore into his making the aura around them tense. Jackson gulped before eagerly nodding his head taking every word and craving it into his heart and repeating it in his head like a mantra.

Not long after, Austin finally left and the heavy atmosphere dispersed making it easier for him to breathe. 'wuwu crazy bastard, treating his friend like this' his heart cried.

He sighed before looking towards the living room to find Amara sitting on the couch with her legs crossed, her mouth was stuffed with chips as she watched t.v.

If watching her like this was all he had to do today then his job wasn't going to be as hard as he thought, but still, he did not dare relax his guard and continued to watch her seriously. He was not taking any chances at the thought of the consequences if he failed to do his task.

He walked in the living room and sat next to her causing the couch to dip. Feeling the change, Amara turned her head towards Jackson, he gave her a small and slightly awkward smile before Amara turned her attention back to the t.v completely disregarding his presence.

Jackson didn't take the cold treatment to heart and turned his head towards the t.v. The two of them leisurely spent an hour just eating chips and watching movies, though the two did not exchange words with each other the atmosphere surrounding the two of them was strangely harmonious.

Just as he put another chip in his mouth the phone in his pocket buzzed, he grabbed his phone and read the notification.

"Shit" he cursed, he forgot that he was supposed to visit a kindergarten today. This kindergarten was specifically for their pack so there weren't any humans attending there.

Jackson felt a sense of guilt for not being able to keep his word and canceled without any prior notice, and just as he was about to send a text to apologise and say he couldn't make it an idea struck him.

Why doesn't he just bring Amara along?

Austin didn't say that he couldn't bring her out and he'll be right beside her the whole time, plus this way, he wouldn't have to cancel.

'I'm a genius!' He inwardly patted himself in the back.

Now that this problem was solved he turned towards her and asked " You don't mind seeing some kids with me right"

He looked at her with eyes sparkling with anticipation, it looked similar to a little puppy begging for a bone, making it hard for people to say no.

Amara merely tilted her head and looked at him.

Slowly, she nodded her head and Jackson brightly smiled, he quickly texted the other person saying how sorry he was that he was going to be late and that he was bringing a friend along.

Once the text was sent he grabbed her hand and pulled both of them towards the car.

When they arrived at the kindergarten a lady was already out in the front waiting for them. The lady looked as if she was in her mid-twenties but contrary to her appearance she was already married with two pups of her own. Cassandra had always loved children, it was one of the reasons why she decided to work as a kindergarten teacher.

"I am so sorry I'm late Cassandra" He said, voice filled with guilt, but despite this Cassandra's eye's remained soft, and instead of being angry, she chuckled.

"Don't worry about it"

Her eyes traveled to the girl standing just behind him. At the sight of an unfamiliar face, she couldn't help but be curious.

"And who might this lady be? Don't tell that's your mate?" She joked

Jackson's eyes immediately went wide "oh my god no" he rebuked quickly "this is actually the Alpha's mate"

Now it was Cassandra's turn for her eyes to go wide, she was surprised for two reasons, one; because no one has said anything about their alpha officially finding his mate, I mean, sure, there were rumors circulating but it was all based on gossip and conjecture, and two; because the lady was strikingly beautiful.

Ah! As if just understanding what he said he tried telling her to not say anything "Austin wanted to keep it low-key so don't tell anyone ok?" He said as he playfully winked at her. His flirtatious personality really knew no bounds to even flirt with a married lady. After listening to his explanation Cassandra now had a look of understanding and her warm smile returned.

She looked passed Jackson at Amara, "Hi, my names Cassandra" she said as she stretched out her hand. Different to before Amara had become accustomed the how these humans greeted each other and so took the outstretched hand and slightly shook it.


After their brief exchange, Cassandra led them both inside the building where the scent of cookies and milk assaulted their nose, not only that but the sounds of children could be heard in the distance. After giving them a quick tour of the building, their last destination was the outside playing area where many kinds of toys and equipment were scattered all around, it was also where most of the kids were located in.

Amara separated from the group and sat down by a tree that shaded her from the sun. She quietly watched as the kids played on the playground while Jackson and Cassandra who were close by stood on the side discussing things she didn't understand.

The things that Jackson and Cassandra were discussing were related to the recent kidnappings of children that were happening in some packs lately, and as the chief warrior, it was his responsibility to keep them safe.

Amara's eyes swept through the many children playing on the play around when it landed in a child with bluish silver hair, the silver-haired boy was playing on the sandbox by himself with his back towards her but despite this, she recognised him right away.

As if sensing someone was staring at him the boy turned around, the silver-haired boys' eyes widened in surprise. At first, there was hesitation in his eyes before he proceeded to abandon his sandcastle and walk towards her until he was standing in front of her.

Due to the massive height difference, the boy just about reached her chest making it so that he needed to look up. The silver-haired boy continued to look at Amara with his blue eyes with amazement and curiosity. He then opens his mouth and says something unexpected.

"We're the same"

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