Chapter 3: Shopping

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"He really is isn't he" said Mr, Ollivander making (Y/n) jump. "Well then stick out your wand hand please" (Y/n) stuck out his right hand.

Ollivander looked at him for a second slightly amused "What?" Said (Y/n) sounding annoyed. "I said your wand hand Mr (L/n)" "This IS my wand hand" Said (Y/n) "You know the one I write with."

"Curious" mutter Ollivander. "What's curious?" questioned (Y/n). "Occasionally a witch or wizard's wand hand may not be the hand that they write with" said Ollivander. "Oh" was all (Y/n) was able to say, as he stuck out his left hand.

"Try this one" (Y/n) grab the wand and suddenly a pot smashed. "No no" said Ollivander snatching back the wand. "How about this one?" This carried on for quiet a while with Ollivander handing (Y/n) a hand and then snatching it back almost instantly.

"Wait here Mr. (L/n). I think I have one in the back for you." Ollivander walked off into the back of the store out of (Y/n)'s view. "Well then that went well" (Y/n) said to no one in particular. "I'm sure you'll find one" said timid voice from behind him.

(Y/n) wheeled around to see a scrawny look kids with messy jet black hair and round glasses. "Oh thank you" stammered (Y/n) completely taken by surprise. "Are you a first year as well?" "Yeah I am" Said the boy. Judging by the way he was looking around with a look slightly composed of fear, slightly of awe. (Y/n) assumed that he was a muggle born. "First time seeing all of this?" asked (Y/n) waving his hand slightly at the street. "Is it that obvious?" " Well let's just say you look a bit like a deer in headlights" replied (Y/n) earning a slight chuckle from the boy.

"Well then here we are" said Ollivander returning from the back holding a very old, dusty box. "Wow looks like I really did get the rejects of wand" said (Y/n) quietly, once again getting a laugh out of the boy. "Now no don't be deceived by looks, this wand is a very old wand, older even than me." explained Ollivander pulling out an ornate looking wand. "Cherry wood and 14 and half inches long, an old wand that has been in this store for a long time looking for the right owner. And I believe that it is you." he said putting a pause in between each of the words in the last sentence for emphasis.

"Yeah we're both unwanted" muttered (Y/n) getting a glare from Ollivander. (Y/n) took the wand in his left hand and felt a strange warmth flow up his arm and through his body. "Curious very curious" muttered Ollivander "What is?" asked (Y/n) getting only silence from the old wand maker. Suddenly (Y/n) realized something, "You never said what the core was sir." Ollivander simply looked at him, winked tapped his nose and turned toward the other boy. (Y/n) took that as his cue to leave. He left the same amount of money as his brother on the counter, gave the other boy a reassuring smile and a thumbs up, and left.

As he left the store he ran straight into a girl. A girl with brown bushy hair. "Oh I'm really sorry" Said (Y/n) rubbing the back of his neck. He helped pick up her books and gave her a quick smile. "Once again I'm sorry" "Don't worry about it" said the girl, "it was nice to see you again" she said as she walked away.

(Y/n) watched her as she walked away. "Have I seen her before?" He thought "weird I thought I'd remember someone like that" (Y/n) shrugged it off and kept walking picking up his robes and his books, a cauldron and potions ingredients.

He found him self in front of a pet store. "I do have a bit of money left over" he thought "and it would be nice to have a pet. Maybe an owl to send letters to people." (Y/n) entered the store looks the cages littered around the shop, taking precaution to around the snakes. God snakes were weird. Finally he saw her. On the back wall in a cage was a strange olive colored owl.

The shopkeeper say him look at the owl. "That's a rare owl that is" he said "one of a kind that there owl. In all my years, and ther have ben many years I never once saw a owl quiet like that, strange color it 'as. Strange color. And incredibly bright as well."

After his conversation with the shopkeeper, who (Y/n) could honestly say had the weirdest dialect he'd heard. He bought the owl and left to find his family.

"I think I'll name you Olivia" he said to the owl, who hooted in happily in response. "I'll take it you like it then?" he replied petting her underneath the beak.

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