Chapter 1: normal

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It was just another normal day for (Y/n) (L/n). The sun was in the sky, his older brother Ben (L/n) was finishing up some last minute school work before the start of the new year.

His older sister Rose (L/n) was off who knows where. His twin brother Richard (L/n) was off in the garden playing around with his broomstick, and his father Steven (L/n) was working in his study.

(Y/n) finally pulled himself out of bed and dragged his feet to the closet. He lived in a fairly large mansion, as his family was well off. (Y/n) belonged to an old wizard family and thus his family had accrued a large amount of money throughout the years.

(Y/n) got himself dressed, rather messily, throwing on the first things that he found, and head downstairs for breakfast.

"Morning (N/n)" called his dad, who had finished his work and was seated at the kitchen table.

(Y/n) simply grunted in return and went to see what was for breakfast.

"Well then it's good to see you too son" said his dad with an air of amusement "You sure slept in late this morning"

(Y/n) again grunted in return shifting his focus from his dad back towards the pantry, trying to find something good to eat.

"Morning (N/n) you sure slept late" said Ben from the door way.

Once more (Y/n) simply grunted at them.

"Better be carefully kid, people might mistaken you for a troll" laughed Rose from the corner.

(Y/n) just glared at them. Finally he took a box of cereal out of the pantry and went about making his breakfast.

"Mail's here!" Shouted Richard from the hall.

"Wow did everyone come here just to see me wake up" said (Y/n) in mock surprise "I'm extremely flattered" he said looking humble. "I assume you'll want my autograph as well? What am I saying of course you will"

"Oh shut up you prick" said Richard

"Wow is that anyway to speak to your brother Richie?" Said (Y/n) pretending to tear up. "We're supposed to brother you know!"

Richard simply rolled his eyes. Richard was his twin and they looked identical the same (H/c) hair, only Richard's was slightly longer, down to the same warm (E/c) eyes. (Y/n) was slightly taller but other than that they were identical.

"Come on now boys settle down" said their father in a slightly amused tone. His dad was a tall handsome man with the same (H/c) hair as the twins, but with dark grey eyes unlike the twins bright (E/c) ones. He was a handsome looking man always clean shaven and always looking put together. "Now then where is this mail you speak of?"

"Here there's Ben's hogwarts letter" said Richard. "Oh it's heavier than usual" commented Ben. Ben was the oldest of the four. He was going into his fifth year at hogwarts. He had light brown hair, different from both their father and the twins. His eyes were like the twins but not quite as warm and bright, they looked cold and carried a sort of authority with them. He was tall like his father but thinner and a lot less muscular.

"Here is Rose's hogwarts letter, and another letter from Ma—" Richard started but Rose quickly snatched them from him. Rose was the middle of the (L/n) children and the only girl of the bunch. She had dark grey eyes like her father's but hers were much brighter and seemed to shiny when you looked at them. She had dark black hair and was fairly short for her age, just like their mother...

"Oh" said Richard looking down at the remaining mail. "What's wrong Richie?" Asked (Y/n). "There's only one more letter from hogwarts here, it's addressed to me" said Richard slowly

"What! What do you mean!" Replied (Y/n). Panic was staring to rise in his chest, was he the only one if the children who wouldn't go to hogwarts, the only one that wasn't magical?

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