Alexander Hamilton || Falling for you (pt.5)

Start from the beginning

I walk over to the kitchen and grab an apple to eat quickly just so I don't get hungry once I'm there. I'm sure there will be food but I do t want to spend my whole time by the food. I want to spend it with Alex. 

I smile at the thought of him. 

Once I finish the apple o through the core in the bin and put my shoes on. Now we wait for Alex.


The clock strikes 5 and just like before there is a knock on the door. 

I rush over and open it.

"You're never late" I laugh

"I like to be on time" he shrugs smiling.

"You look gorgeous  by the way" he compliments

"T-thanks. You don't look too bad yourself" I say pointing to his attire

"Ha. It's the soldier uniform" he says straitening the coat

"It's looks good on you" 

I grab my shawl off of the chair and wrap it around me.

"Ready?" I ask

"Let's go my lady" he says hooking my arm in his 

I walk together to the carriage and step in. I sit opposite him and look out the window at the dark sky and the dimly lit streets as we pass. 

From the corner of my eye I see Alex looking at me. I face him which causing him to look away . I smile and the resume looking out the window.

"Is there going to be many people here?" I ask starting conversation 

"Yeah. All of the other men are going. My friends are going to be there. I'll introduce them to you" 

"I'd like that" 

He nods his head and then we both go back to not saying anything to each other but we sit in comfortable silence. 

"We're here!" We hear the driver (I can't remember what they are called) from the front of the carriage

Alex gets out first and pays for the ride and then helps me get down the steps. Once again we join arms and walk side by side inside of the manner.

The whole thing takes my breath away. The lights, the amount of people. Everything.

"Alex! Over here" I hear someone shout waving over to Alex. The voice sounded from another country, maybe french?

"Lafayette! Hercules! So great to see you again" Alex replies walking us over there. I don't say anything but smile at the two men as we approach them

"I see you brought a lovely lady here" the tall man with dark skin says motioning towards me

"Heh. Yeah. Um (y/n) this is Hercules Mulligan and Marquis DeLaffayette. Hercules, Lafayette meet (y/n)" Alex says introducing all of us.

They both take in of my hands and kiss the knuckles of them. 

"Pleasure to meet you mon chéri. Puis-je dire que vous avez l'air absolument magnifique" Lafayette smirks

(My darling. May I say you look absolutely stunning)

I just smile at him because I don't understand what he said. However I do see Alex tense up with what he said. I'll ask him in a bit.

"Has Schuyler greeted everyone yet?" Alex asks the two men

They shake their heads.

"Not yet. I can't wait to see the sisters" Hercules says wiggling his eyebrows when he mentions the sisters.

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