Chapter 59

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"The school records you requested for are here." The secretary goes on to disclose that Sooyoung transferred during the first term of second grade. "Take a look." She said as she hands her the file.

"Ah, yes." Sooyoung thanked her and started skimming through the papers, "Transfer indeed...from Sinhwa elementary school...transferred in grade 2. I may have been young...but if my environment changed, I would have thought I'd remember something of it. I have no recollection of moving or changing schools."

Studying her photo again, she begins to feel frustrated. Why doesn't she remember anything from this time? It's as if a part of her memory was just snipped away.

Sooyoung remained lost in thought until her ringer goes off. "Oh crap, forgot to put it on vibrate." Cursing at herself then viewing the caller ID: Dad.




"Sorry, the person you have dialed is not available at the moment. Please, press # to leave a message." Impatient, he quickly cancels the call.

Irene walks into the living room, "She hasn't answered since that day, she ignored all my calls, too. Sorry, dad. I slipped up..."

"No need to be tough on yourself." Her dad says firmly, "We should focus on what we can do."

Their mother chimes in, "So, has Sooyoung found out everything? She probably hasn't recalled everything yet. Since she erased all the memories within her."

Irene states that, "it's memory loss to escape and overcome excessive distress caused by extreme trauma. Sooyoung...woke up without remembering anything. Unless there's a strong catalyst, she probably won't be able to recall."

Her mother gazes at their father. "Honey, I think we should tell her now. It's not as if the problem will solve itself because we withheld it from her. Sooyoung must come to terms with everything...what happened that day and about herself, too."

Their father murmurs, "But if that happens..."

Eun-woo interrupts, "What are you all talking about?" He steps into the room, "What happened that day?" He cross-examines his family, "What Sooyoung?"

Their father sighs, "It was...not long after Sooyoung started elementary school..."

Remembering vividly the events, back then, he took out his camera, "Okay Sooyoung-ah! Look here." Sooyoung smiled brightly in front of the entrance of Sinhwa elementary.

"Oh, my daughter is so pretty!" Their mother gushes.

"Okay, here we go, cheese!" *click*

"Sooyoung was a pure and amiable kid."


Sooyoung held up the picture in front of the school's gates. " exact match. But I really don't remember..." She mutters to herself, "This is close to where dad ran the nursery near the church so I must have attended here...and the picture proves it. Should I look around? Maybe something will jog my memory."

The things I remember from childhood...are very fragmented.

When dad got sick, and was bedridden for a while.

I remember reading books to him.

To be replaced with getting scolded later in life.

I remember always being next to Dohwan.

Would...Dohwan remember something? Should I call?

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