Chapter 22

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"What? Wait. don't know her passcode?" With a smug look, Dohwan continues, "Hmm~ I see. I guess you two aren't that serious after all, huh?" Further pressing on Sungjae's buttons, "Shouldn't you know your girlfriend's door lock password or her favorite underwear color- if you're her boyfriend?"

Sungjae snaps, "To me, you knowing the password when you're not even her boyfriend is even more strange."

"It's not at all~ because I'm much closer to her than you think." He grins, "There are no secrets between Sooyoung and I. Oh, I guess you hardly know about me, huh?"

"I heard about you." He retaliates, "Sooyoung told me that you're just a childhood friend."

"Well, I'd say we're more like a married couple." Dohwan spits back.

An irritated Sungjae glares at him, "If you have business with Sooyoung, just tell me and I'll tell her later."

"No, I don't have any. Because we see each other whenever we want to even if there's no special occasion. Anyway, what should I do now? I was going to hang out with Sooyoungie tonight..." Dohwan pops an idea, "Ah! Instead of Sooyoungie, why don't you hang out with me?"

"Are you out of your mind? Why should I?"


[at the bar]

"Excuse me~ two more bottles of beer please~!" Dohwan waves down the waiter.

There, Sungjae sits annoyed. How did this happen? I was going to get some fresh air by myself.

"I'll give you this in return~" Dohwan pulls out a picture from his wallet. A picture of little Sooyoung in a bikini. "It's an extremely rare item!!!"

What's so special about this?

Yet, before he knew it, it was somehow already in his wallet. He blushes. She's so cute.

"Hyung, let's drink!"

Sungjae redirects his attention from his wallet to Dohwan.

"I don't drink."

"What? Really? You don't drink? You're soooo boring."

"You'd better drink faster because I won't be here for long."

"Geez, so mean. This is a great chance to drink with a popular idol. You can take photos of me and upload it to your social media if you want. I'll let you."

"I'm really not interested."

Dohwan keeps the conversation going, "By the way, how old are you?"


"Gosh! You're only a year older than Sooyoung. Does she call you oppa? You seem to spend most of your time at home. Are you bumming around or between jobs?"

"I'm a writer," he muttered in an agitated tone.

"Ah~ha. Now I see why you have such a difficult personality. You're very prickly and sensitive, aren't you? You know men shouldn't be like that." Dohwan continues to pester Sungjae with question after question, "Are your parents rich? How many girlfriends have you had so far?"

"...what are you doing right now?" Sungjae asks annoyed.

"Oops. Don't get me wrong. I'm not hitting on you."

Provoked, Sungjae sternly replies with, "I said I'm not interested."

Dohwan explains that he was just curious. He wanted to know what kind of man Sooyoung is dating this time. He mentions that Sooyoung has always been popular; hence, he guesses Sungjae would also know why. Park Sooyoung is pretty, tall, fit, and even sexy. So, she was surrounded by lots of men since she was young. And she met lots of attractive men. Like celebrities, models, rich men, famous designers, etc. He takes a sip of beer. "So, I wonder how amazing her boyfriend is this time. But a writer next door...well, I guess you're as good as her short-term fling."

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