Chapter 10

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He's holding my...

Is he...

going to...

And he shoves her aside.



"What on earth were you thinking. Do you want me to die?"

"I'm sorry. I didn't think you'd be that scared..."

"Manslaughter, an unintentional killing is also considered a homicide. And why are you so happy? Do you know that you're smiling?"

She's actually glowing. Sooyoung is extremely content because of a long-awaited taste of chicken. "'s because..." She blushes, "You held my hand. It was the first time that you came to me first."

"Well, that was because you were blocking my way. It's not that I wanted to..."

"You've never touched someone first before, right?" Sungjae looked at her...Was she always this pretty? "Anyway, is it that important to you? The harmonica thing...I was surprised that you'd go on a date with me because of a children's storybook."

"Somebody's trash can be someone else's treasure. For me, it's very special." Sungjae says as he rubs disinfectant onto his hands. "We're done here, right? Let's head back home. I need to shower."

"Why don't you try to touch a bunny before we leave...?" Sooyoung smiles revealing all her teeth. 

Frustrated, he marches towards the exit, "Shut up, I'm over this place."

Sooyoung laughs, "I was just joking."

"If anything touches me again today, I might –" Sungjae bumps into....a child? A crying child??

The young boy gazes up at Sungjae with snot running out of his nose. Tears rushing down his cheeks. He clenches onto Sungjae's leg.

"Ugh...ARGHHH!" He tries to kick the boy off him. The kid breaks out into a sob. "What the heck?! Now you're even using a kid?!"

Sooyoung exclaims, "No, you got it all wrong! I don't know that kid!" 

She really doesn't know this kid. This was not apart of her plan.

"Get him! My pants!! He has a runny nose!!!"

" I don't touch the old, infants, and kids because I feel guilty." Sooyoung shyly confessed. Well, she wasn't lying. It's true. She feels guilty absorbing energy from weaker humans.

Sungjae shouts, "What are you talking about?! Please do something!!" The little one cries even louder.

"Why don't you take care of him for a bit?" Sooyoung suggested. "I'll go tell security."

"W-w-wait! You can't leave...." Ignoring his pleas, she runs to find help, leaving Sungjae alone with the child.

The boy cries out for his mom. His mom. Sungjae can't help but think back to when he was a kid—when he was reading books alone, crying for his mom, too. Where was she?

The sight of the boy was reminiscent of his childhood. His heart throbs thinking about it. The boy keeps uttering the word mom, over and over. Sungjae wants to pat the boy's head so badly. He wants to comfort the boy. Just something about himself, he can't overcome to touch the kid's head.


"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much!" The mom of the boy kept bowing to both Sooyoung and Sungjae. His mom was frantically searching for him. Thank god that they found his mom soon.

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