Chapter 24

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Sungjae shakes Dohwan's hand off him. "What the hell are you?"

"You know I'm just her friend." Dohwan's lips curl up, "For now." Sungjae's stomach turns, "Don't give me that scary face. It's not like I'm going to do something with her right now. Nobody knows how things will turn out. I just wanted to say that. Because there is more than what meets the eye. You know nothing about Sooyoung. So, enjoy while you can. Well, then~" Dohwan readjusts his mask and leaves Sungjae at lost for words.


Arriving back at the rest table, Dohwan notices that Minjae is alone.

"What? Where is Sooyoungie?"

"Didn't you see her on the way here? She went that way..." Minjae casually sips on his drink, "She wants to spend time with her boyfriend."



Sungjae's eyes focused on his bare hands.

"You can't ride rollercoasters. You can't touch her. Is there anything you can do for Sooyoung? Because I can do anything for her."

"You know nothing about her."

He lets out a sigh.

Exiting the restroom, Sooyoung runs up to him, "Sungjae!"

"...What are you doing here?"

"I've been waiting for you. Here, I brought your bag." She hands it over to him, "If it's okay with you, shall we take a walk? Let's go somewhere dark."


They decide to walk into a haunted house. Every other step they make is accompanied by a creaking noise.

"Isn't it too dark in here...?" Sungjae voice trembles a little from worry.

Sooyoung touches the props. Everything looks quite real. From the skeletons to the bugs.

"You don't like it? We don't need to ride anything in here. Or are you scared of ghosts?"

"No, I'm not afraid of them. But an unfamiliar place makes me uneasy. It feels like something might show up."

"We're together. So, it'll be alright." Her lips curled up into a smile, "Because we have each other's backs." Continuing through the attraction, "Listen, Sungjae, I'm sorry about today. You came along when you don't even like rollercoasters. And I didn't care much about you." Sooyoung apologizes, "I'm kind of insensitive to others. I'm sorry If I made you feel lonely. The thing is...I love going to amusement parks so I got really excited..."

He offers her a hand.

"Sooyoung, shall we?"


Back at the rest table, Dohwan mopes, "So, Sooyoung has gone for him after all? This is NOT fun."

"You know...I've been thinking for a while...why don't you just tell her?" Minjae asks.

"...tell her? Tell what?" Worked up, Dohwan goes, "What and who should I tell?"

Sternly, Minjae says, "Tell Sooyoung that you like her. Until when will you avoid it? Dohwan, I want you to be honest now."

"What are you talking about? There's nobody who is more honest..."

"Well, excuse me..." A group of girls approached them. "Aren't you guys Dohwan and Minjae?"


"Let's...hold hands..." Sungjae suggests.

Sooyoung's stunned.

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