"Summer!" I heard Vince call.

"In here," she called back.

"I need to talk to you," he came in with his hand still on the doorknob.

"Sup man," Taylor greeted and gave some sort of thumb-plus-two-fingers wave. A thing guys did I guess. It was weird. A mixture of a wave and salute was what I'd call it.

"Sup," he nodded before looking at Summer and giving her the look that he had given on the night we talked about Joey Tribbiani and how she wanted to tell me something.

Mental note to self: ask Summer what she has wanted to tell me.

Before shutting the door, he gave me a smile. I was about to smile back, but I was met with Summer's door instead, for Vince has already shut the door.

The air in the room suffocated me. It was awkward. I could see that Taylor was looking around through my peripheral vision.

Thinking that nothing could possibly go wrong with The Click Five, I played Angel To You that was already on iTunes on the guest laptop.

"Nice pick," he nodded and sat on Summer's uncomfortable chair.

Soon after, Summer came back in. She looked a little different, like a little worried. Guilty even. But maybe it was just me.

"Aunt Meg's here," she commented, "and Zak's done with cooking dinner."

"Alright," I smiled and stood up.

I headed downstairs and sure enough, Megan was there.

"Hi Lyssabelle," she gave me a hug and I squeezed tightly.

"I missed you, Megan."

"Me too, hun."

"Zak!" she squealed once she saw Zak.

"Hi Megan," he grinned and hugged her with one hand, the other holding a wooden spoon.

We sat around the table as Zak took the dishes out and I mentally groaned. The kitchen smelt amazing.

"Alright! Dig in!" Megan announced.

"Wait-" Vince got cut off by the doorbell that rang.


So here we are. She sitting directly in front of me - bad luck - with her dragon-clawed nails and Barbie smile.

It was only when Vince introduced her to us did I realize I felt a little crushed. It was equivalent to going to the supermarket to get Fruitloops but then they ran out.

Or, after a long day at school, you arrive home and all I wanted to do was eat Fruitloops, but then realize you've ran out.

The thing I couldn't place a finger on is: why did I feel this way?

Why did I feel like bashing her and calling her profanities is all different languages that she didn't deserve.


I wanted to call her that. This was probably the only time Spanish class had come to use. Not that they thought us how to speak vulgarities in Spanish, but I cam.e across it while studying for a test.

I should start studying Spanish words more.

Perra meant bitch in Spanish.

She didn't deserve it, sure. But I couldn't help it. I couldn't help myself for thinking such.

I needed fresh air. I needed to calm down from whatever was making me all angsty.

There was no reason as to why I was feeling this way, but I couldn't help it.

I got up and that caught everyone's attention. Vince looked at me with strange eyes, but I coughed purposely and looked away.

"Uhm, I gotta go to the bathroom. Be right back," I gave a fake cheeky grin and left the dining table.

The mirror seemed to mock me as I stood in front of it. She had way prettier hair and eyes, and a hell of a body. And way better fashion too.

Though I wouldn't say my fashion was bad, I mean what's wrong with band tees and tank tops?

I didn't understand as to why I was demeaning myself and comparing myself to her. My heart told me to compare, but my brain didn't seem to understand.

This feeling was all unusual to me. Maybe it was because Vince and Summer had a girlfriend and boyfriend respectively, while I've never involved myself in anything love wise, really.

The feeling was almost like jealousy. It was like seeing someone take the last box of Fruitloops on the shelf in the supermarket, when that was the only reason you got your ass out of bed. To get the Fruitloops.

But I couldn't possibly be jealous. I didn't have romantic feelings toward Vince. I didn't and I couldn't.

And the biggest question of the century. Who is she and why are you jealous of her? - I am not jealous though - 


Vince's girlfriend.


Author's Note: alright! so if you guys don't know who Vanessa is, she's basically Vince's girlfriend. She appeared in Cool Kids [chapter 16: meet tthe siblings] so yeah!

what do you guys think of this chapter? let me know in the comments! 

p.s. ther's a part two to this chapter but it'll be under chapter seven with will be up real soon. xx

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