Bridge and Chanteur entered the hall and joined us in the sit. Before the lecturer came in we had a little chat.

'Oh Boy, just the man I don't want to see' I say to myself as the man from the previous day came in, He's the man I insulted in the stairs, he's our lecturer.

Immediately , I bent my head, I stole Bridge's glasses just to disguise myself.

The trio, looked curious at me and wanted to know why am hiding. I type the incident on my phone and pass it to them,

Chanteur couldn't hold back his laughter and he crashed, he laughs really hard and Bridge joined him.

Mr. Tolke walked straight to our direction to know why they are laughing and distracting his class.

Immediately I bent down as if I am trying to tie my shoe lace,

' sorry , sir, it was a slip of the tongue the laughter just escaped our mouths' Cole, tells him in our defense,

Mr. Tolke stands there not buying our idea, my back already hurts from bending , the pain is so severe, I can't hold it any longer.

I have to straighten up, as I did, I turn to the other side of the seat and fix my eyes on something in the other direction.

'Hey, young man', I heard Mr. Tolke call, but I don't bother to check who he is referring to, ' Ira, he is referring to you' Bridge whisper in my ear,

With my trembling hands, I turn around slowly , adjusting my glass but not taking my hands off the lens handle,

'Ye---s, Mr. Tolke, I say really nervous,

' Hmmmmm, I don't know why but I think you look familiar especially your indomie hair', he says bending down to have a better look of my face,

As he comes closer, Bridge wrap his arms around me and tug me closer to him,

' Hey, Mr. Tolke, this dude here is familiar because he is in this school, and he's taking your course, you must have seen his profile picture before now, right??'

He ask looking at chanteur and Cole to support him and they all do.

I don't know when I became a guy but I am buying the whole idea,

Bridge pulled himself close to Mr. Tolke so that his gaze can be turned to him,

' Sir do you know you look like one of those wrestlers?' He asked making everyone in the hall laugh at his joke,

Obviously, Mr. Tolke is a wrestling fan because he loved Bridge jokes and they began to talk about wrestling.

Until a student reminds him of his fourty five minutes left to teach us,

He cleared his throat and left our sit to begin the lecture.

I mouth a thank you to Bridge and promise to buy him lunch which he agreed.

Mr. Tolke is a good teacher, I understood if not everything he said .

After attending two more lectures, we all walk out of the school.

As we pass, students stared at us, especially me, am really happy, at least I'm getting attention , as we opened the door to exit the school building, I sighted Walter and his friends, they were checking a hot girl out who was with them, she was obviously making advances on Walter and he seemed so interested.

Me and the trio made our way down the stairs, my eyes fell on Walter who had his eyes on me intimately,

Cole noticed the way we stared at each other, and he slipped his arm around my waist and pulled me into his chest,

' what's up with you too' he whispered in my ears, sending cool breeze into my ears from the movement of his lips,

I just groaned and tried to pull out.

' Don't pull out, so you won't stop the fun, you need to see the way he's staring, like he wants to chop off my hands.

I slowly pulled out from his chest but not from his hold, I sent a glance Walter's way and I caught him really staring hard, I sent him a smile, but he had this confused look on his face,

I turned around as Cole spined me around and led me to the right direction and we all walk away, giving Walter a piece to remember.

Bridge led us to the best seat in the coffee shop around the school,

A beautiful waitress approached us as we settled in, Bridge sent her a seductive look, which made her blush

Bridge requested for a pepperoni pizza with mushroom in place of beef and a bottle of Chilled Coke,

Chan requested for a pepperoni pizza just like Bridge but his will go with a chicken, no beef no mushroom and a glass of pineapple juice ,

Cole ordered for French fries and ketch up with a glass of pineapple juice as well , I ordered for a sponge cake and wafers butter with a glass of chilled hollandia milk.

The pretty waitress smiled at us as she closed her notepad, after taking our orders down, she left after getting a wink from Bridge .

' so what's up with you and Walter" Cole asked immediately the waitress left.

' We attended the same high school, though he was my senior and his sister just became my friend'

I answered him beating around even though I know what he actually wants to hear,

' From my observation, you have a crush on him' Cole added, and I sent him a dirty look but not stopping myself from blushing pepper red.

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