Poor Palm

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You sat silently helping treat Komugi. Your eyes fell upon a man standing in the doorway.

"Poof please!" Neferpitou cried in desperation. You could hear it in her voice... It rattled your bones to hear the one who tore your father to shreds in such needs. You made a bandage and wrapped it around Komugi's head. You began to read through the head trauma that was sustained in the accident.

"What nonsense are you speaking Neferpitou?" Poof laughed nervously.

"If you can't see what they're speaking of I don't know how sense you must be." You growled. "You weren't there to see how your king held this girl, He was kind, we didn't expect that when we arrived here, it was our fault she's injured and your king is in the current mental state he is in." You felt vines wrap around the roof and red flower petals fall down from the on growing flowers.

"Ugh.." Poof groaned in irritation. You realized how lively this room had become and you began to hate it.

"Stay where you are." Gon ordered. "Don't move."

Poof seemed to notice gon's power and freeze up. "Damnit, Gon, I'm gonna go find killua... If anything happens, feel free to do what you want, but I ask that you don't kill the girl." You gave him a quick hug hoping to calm him down. "While I'm searching for killua, I'll do a head count of those I see on our team... Otherwise, I'll return here."

"Ok." Gon sighed. You felt the need to hug him for a few seconds more, as though it'd help change his mood.

"I'll go now." You said walking past poof as you walked. You ignored poof as you left. You just felt like there was no use to him. You caught up to killua as he was recharging. He dropped the wire right after you arrived.

"Why'd you leave Gon?!" He asked startled.

"He's got this settled.... Palm.. we need to make sure palm is ok and not going to damage his mental state any more than is right now." You said simply. "Let's go!" You grabbed his hand beginning to pull him behind you but you paused halfway down the hallway. Your head snapped to the corner of the wall. "Palm?" You dropped killua's hand and dashed to the corner of the wall. You rounded the corner and killua did a whole second later.

"You felt that two? How do you know it's palm?" He asked.

"It's just a hunch but... She's not the same.." you said taking a couple steps forward. You saw a new palm walk out from behind the rock.

"Be careful..." Killua said. You made a small white flower in your hand tucking it into her hair.

"You're y/n?" She asked. The flower turned black and you made a slightly confused expression.

"Yeah... That's me palm.. do you remember why I'm here?" You asked.

"That's Killua.... Your boyfriend." She said. You smiled slightly.

"Mmhmm!" You smiled. "Palm, you're back!"

"Where's Gon?" She asked.

"Gon is awaiting his battle with Neferpitou, I'm sure it'd improve his mental state to-" killua stopped talking. "Couldn't you just see him through your crystal? I mean, that's how you saw me and y/n right?" You jumped back away from palm, now taking cautious position next to your boyfriend.

"....You're so irritating you know that killua?" She asked. You watched her long hair begin to swirl, making a sort of shield. She began attacking. You used a vine to move killua out of the way of her attack, taking on the brunt of it. You flew across the room hitting a wall, pain surged through you. "-and you! You're just the worse! You're such a crybaby! Always crying, poor, poor y/n!"

You dodged her next punch grabbing onto her arm. "I guess it's a better time that ever to test this." You launched yourself off her shoulders you made the flower sprout vines as well as the petals that had fallen from your hair, you quickly wrapped them tightly against her. You felt a grin spread across your face. "Damn! It's been a second since I actually used my hatsu to attack and not heal! This is so much more fun!!"

"Don't lose it right now y/n!" Killua shouted. You could hear the worry in his voice, and it threw you off, giving palm an opening to knock you away and begin attacking killua again. You felt the vines rot away under your hands. You sat up to see the battle had ended. Killua was now speaking with Palm... But you couldn't hear what was going on... All you could hear was a continuous ringing. You attempted to make your way to killua but your legs gave out underneath you. You crawled to get to him and palm. Pain...

"Y/n it's ok!" You heard kite. "We'll just have to try again ok!"

"But momma wants me to learn hatsu now dad!" You mumbled. "I really am worthless, aren't I?"

"Did your mommy tell you you that?" He asked.

"....." You went silent.

"I love you, little flower."

You stood up healing yourself with your hatsu. You made your way to killua, who was crying. You wrapped your arms around him. You couldn't hear properly still but that didn't matter.. killua was your top priority. You looked up at him.

"What's wrong?" You read his lips.. you could almost hear his voice. You let out a shaky breath before silently crying into his shoulder.

You felt him shift his head and a hand go to your ear. His face expressed so much fear, fear that you couldn't even put into words for him. You lifted your hands grabbing his and placing them at your sides in hopes he'd understand that all you wanted right now was to be hugged. He collapsed into you hugging you tightly. You could feel the vibration of his sons on your shoulder, but you couldn't hear it.

"I-i'm so sorry!" You heard Palm's voice through one ear.

"P-palm?" You made out. She looked so happy and the flower behind her ear turned yellow.

"Can you hear me?" She asked. All you could pay attention to was how much pain killua was in, emotionally that is.

"I-i can't hear out of my right ear." You said shakily.

"A-are you ok?" Killua asked. His eyes were so puffy and red by now that it confused you.

"I-i'm fine... I just can't hear out of my right ear killua.. I can hear out of my left now.. that's a good sign." You said.

"The petals stopped falling from your hair.." Palm said. "I think you shouldn't use hatsu for a bit."

"Yeah... I can only think of emotions right now, rationality has left me.. for a second I forgot the situation we're in.." you sniffled. "I really wish this would all end."

"Soon, okay?" Killua asked.

"Yeah.." you mumbled. "Than it'll all go back to norm- fuck."

"What?" Killua asked.

"If I die here Kalluto and Illumi will kill me, I promised them I'd visit them after this is all over." You sighed.

"They can't kill you if you're already dead." Killua laughed.

"Oh.... They're also gonna be extremely concerned that I can't hear out of my right ear now... Crap." You yawned.

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