Tall tale

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"What is it dad?" Killua asked.

"Huh? Why'd you answer the phone?" You heard Sylvia ask.

"Y/n's currently training, it's kinda weird to see." Killua said. "She's a real passive person."

"Killua, I'm sure y/n has explained why I'm e been calling her by now." Sylvia sighed.

"Did you know she can cause plants to wither? Maybe she could do that with a person!" Killua said his eyes were kinda twinkling. You struggled not to laugh.

"Can you just explain something to me?" Sylvia asked.

"Mmhmm..." Killua said tiredly.

"What's your relationship with y/n?" Sylvia asked.

"Complicated." Killua said making you burst into laughter.

"Wow!" You laughed.

"Can you explain complicated?" Sylvia groaned obviously irritated by now.

"I like her, and I owe her one because she helped save my life when I was bleeding out, and I'm on a mission with her and some friends and-"

"You could just give him a quick summery?" You said making the withering plant into a small fox made out of wood and flowers. You had it run around with the real dogs.

"Can you just give the phone to y/n, kill?" He asked.

"No can do! Y/n is currently playing with the fox and Liam." Killua said.

"Who's Liam?!!" Sylvia growled.

"He's me and y/n's so-"

"Killua I will trap you in an isolation pod alone!" You shouted. Killua whined.

"He's a kid we found in an abandoned village and brought to safety." Killua pouted. "No fun."

"I'd rather not get you and me killed over some stupid joke you make." You said directing the fox to Gon. "Oh god, not only Sylvia and Kikyo! Illumi would kill me too!" Killua pressed his lips together.

"I think I made a mistake." Killua laughed holding the phone out showing the phone with a hung up screen. Your face dropped.

"Killua no!!!!!" You jumped at him snatching your phone up. You didn't bother to move from where you were you instantly scrolled through your contacts to Sylvia's.

"....." You heard eerie noise on Sylvia's side of the line.

"I can feel the anger and murder plot already." You mumbled hugging killua's stomach.

"Hey Dad? What time did I accidentally hang up the phone?" He asked.

"When you were explaining who Liam was..." Sylvia said.

"Oh, I was just joking around, in all reality he's a kid we found in an abandoned village and made an attempt to keep him safe." Killua said. Sylvia's mood seemed to lighten a bit.

"I haven't even known killua for nine months!!!" You shouted.

"Yeah it was just about a year ago that you stopped visiting." Sylvia said. "But you've known of killua's existence for.... Uh probably about five years now."

Extensive Pain (Killua x reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant