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"So you did it!" Palm asked happily.

"Yeah.. but he was gonna tell me too, he bought me flowers and gave me a choco-robot." You giggled happily.

"That's romantic." Palm said as you combed her hair back into a ponytail.

"You look so pretty palm!" You smiled. "You look like a whole new girl."

"Thanks!" She smiled. "You look really pretty too."

"I don't know, the dress feels really short.. I'll just put some shorts on under it in case." You smiled.

"That's very smart." She smiled.

"Alright, than I guess we should go and find them now." You smiled.

"Have you ever been on a date y/n?" She asked as you walked to the center of town.

"Um, no. We used to have playdates all the time though." You giggled. "But this is nothing like that."

"I'm glad you understand that." Palm nodded. You saw Killua and Gon dressed in a bit more formal clothes, not too formal though.

"I thought you said you didn't wear dresses?" Killua said.

"I normally don't, but my dad would shake me if I didn't wear a dress on my first date." You scoffed. "He'd also probably have walked me here and lectured you despite having already known who you were."

"My parents would've never let me get emotionally involved with anyone so I guess you're a surprise!" He smiled.

"So palm, where are we going?" You asked palm who was in her own conversation with Gon.

"O-oh! There was a very nice diner a little ways from here, I thought we could go there." She smiled.

"Sounds great!" Gon smiled. You paused.

"Do you think they'll have milkshakes?" You asked palm.

"U-um maybe?" She said confused.

"I want a milkshake." You grinned.

"Why?" Gon asked confused. You looked to killua for a second.

"A secret!" You smiled, but your smile quickly dropped as you realized you hadn't brought your bag, fear almost seemed to surge through you and your frowned.

"What's wrong?" Killua asked.

"Oh, I forgot my bag at home, and I meant to get a copy of the receipt and a picture of all of us here." You mumbled.

"But you have your camera!" Gon pointed out. You paused and tapped the pocket of your shorts that were underneath your dress.

"Yes." You nodded.

"Than you can get the picture and you can just take the real receipt." Gon said.

"Ok." You said. You watched Gon hold Palm's hand and your face flushed.

"If you don't want to hold hands, we don't have to?" Killua whispered. "Gon is just really good at being on dates apparently."

Extensive Pain (Killua x reader)Where stories live. Discover now