Chapter 15: Make it Right

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Ethan looked at Tom curiously, noticing sweat beading on his forehead. He wondered what was going on in Tom's head as they walked together to their next class. Maybe he was worried about something? He definitely had that look on that face, at least, Ethan thought he did.

As they sat down in their ELA class, Ethan poked Tom's arm, trying to get the boy's attention. His void-black eyes were trained on the paper on the desk, a warm up assignment handed by the teacher to get the students ready for the day. Usually Tom got these finished in less than a few minutes, but he looked like he was having trouble. With his eyes darting everywhere, he looked as if he was paranoid and suspicious of everyone in the room, including Ethan himself.

"Quit poking me," Tom hissed, jabbing his arm into Ethan's finger, jamming it. Ethan growled in pain as he waved the finger around, the sharp, blunt pain throbbing around his index. "Let me focus."

"Somethings obviously bothering you," Ethan pointed out. "I mean, I'm already done with my work and you're still on the first question!"

"That doesn't mean anything." Tom retorted, however Ethan knew his point got across. Something was bothering Tom, and Ethan was determined to find out.

"C'mon, we're in this together." Ethan pleaded. "Just because it's bothering you doesn't mean you can't tell me what's wrong."

"After class." Tom hissed, noticing the teacher locking the door as the tardy bell rang. She walked around and began to pick up the warm-up sheets, pausing as she got to Ethan and Tom's desk.

"Tom?" She was looking over his paper. "You didn't finish. Is everything okay?"

"Fine, Miss." Tom lied, forcing a smile.

"Okay, well, lucky for you, we don't have any assignments for today." She sighed, than began her task once more, picking up all the papers until she returned to her desk, the class assignments stacked in a neat pile on the wooden surface.

"Okay, guys, today we're going to learn more about-"

As the lecture came and went, Ethan's stomach knotted. Tom wasn't even paying attention the entire time, and sweat was pooling from his forehead onto his hoodie, making small wet dots on the fabric. He constantly kept fidgeting, his eyes darted around repeatedly, and he looked as if he was in conflict with himself inside his head. Whatever it is that's bothering him, it must be bad, Ethan thought.

His mind raced back to when he humiliated Tord in the hallways in an attempt to get the silver-eyed boy to leave Tom alone. Ethan flinched as he remembered all the bad things he'd said to him, and how hard it was for him to lie like that. Ethan was certain Tom liked Tord, but the void-eyed boy was just to afraid to admit it. Ethan didn't blame him. A childhood tormenter turned friend and suddenly turned crush wouldn't be easy for him to deal with.

The oath he made to himself flashed in his mind, You'll fix this, whatever it takes, you'll make it right again.

And I will make this right.


As soon as the bell rang, Ethan dragged Tom to his locker, keeping his back to the hallway as he looked down at Tom, the boy slightly confused. "Okay, now talk." Ethan commanded.

"Well, I-" Tom began, but something else interrupted him.

"Talk about what, Ethan?" A familiar voice laughed.

Ethan shut his locker door, coming face-to-face with Edd.

Ethan could feel his neck hairs rising, pricking his skin uncomfortably. He didn't know if it was out of fear or anger, however Ethan could feel rage grasping his heart, the boiling feeling making him feel on fire.

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