Chapter 11: Self-Defense, You Idiot

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I was on hiatus.
Then Ember force me to mak chapter >:((((
It shall be longer to make you suffer

"I still don't get why I need to learn 'self-defense.'" Tom growled as Tord walked into his backyard. The place was airy, full of trees and little plant features and gardens. A small koi pond was positioned in the far left corner of the tall fence, and a trail of rocks lead into a large patio, where Tom and Tord were standing now.

"It's mostly just thinking fast." Tord tried to explain. Of course, there were martial arts classes everywhere here, but why waste time and money on that? All you needed were fast reflexes, fast punches, and powerful kicks. Also, maybe some car keys. That might help.

"Listen." Tord tried to explain this as subtly as he could. "Edd is on the prowl for you. He wants to see you suffer. He's going to make you suffer."

Tom sighed and looked down. Tord guessed he was admitting defeat, so he decided it was best to start with what he knew so far.

"Look, I never took classes, but these moves are things I've come up with and picked up over the years," Tord began, getting up stiffly from the picnic bench. His scratches still stung fiercely against his skin, and it was hard to maneuver with thick bandages wrapping around his arms and legs. He winced while Tom looked on with a disapproving expression.

He huffed, clearly annoyed. "I still don't see how you're going to teach me with your little handicap."

"Maybe if you didn't attack me I would be more able to teach you." Tord shot back.

Tom frowned and stuck out his tongue at the commie. Tord rolled his eyes but felt his face heat up involuntarily. Cute, he thought.

"Maybe I should just buy a weapon." Tom suggested. "It saves me having to be here, listening to you drone on and on."

Tord narrowed his eyes. "I'm determined to help you. You're not getting out of this easily."

"You're in no condition to 'teach!'" Tom spat. More quietly, he added, "I don't want your wounds re-opening."

"Aw," Tord gushed, mockingly batting his eyelashes. "Does Tommy-wommy care 'bout 'lil old me?"

Tom turned as red as a tomato as he glared at Tord, clenching his fists. "I'll show you care," He growled, advancing on Tord.

"Keep your fighting spirit for later," Tord sighed. "You're right, I'm in no condition to properly teach, so I guess we could talk."

Tom thought about this for a second, then shrugged and plopped down on the wooden table, drumming his fingers against the hard oak. Tord was squirming on the inside with questions. His curiosity was burning so aggressively that he felt as if his whole body was on fire. He wondered silently about Tom's experience in the labs, how the transformation felt, how it felt to have all that power at the tips of his fingertips, but in no condition mentally to use it.

"I know you're dying to ask questions." Tom sighed, putting his head on the table. "So go ahead. I'm not going to stop you."

"How does it feel?" Tord blurted, then realized his mistake and reworked the question. "Like, do you only feel it when you're transforming or all the time?"

"Well," Tom began awkwardly, lifting his head from the table and locking eyes with Tord for a second before looking away. "It's kinda my brain? I get anxious and scared and then it just...happens. Sometimes I can control it, like, prevent it from happening, but when the urge is too strong, I can't keep it from happening."

Oh. Tord could sort of understand how much pain he probably went through. He wanted to reach out and hug the blue hoodie boy, and he realized he had walked around the table and put his arms around the smaller male, squeezing him slightly. He buried his face in the crook of his neck and whispered, "I'm so so sorry, Tom."

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