Chapter Five: We Think That We Like You

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Nothing else really happened the rest of the day. Sure, Edd and Matt were keeping their distance from each other, and Tom seemed confused for whatever reason, but the one thing Tord couldn't get out of his head was the fact that he felt jealous when he saw Tom blush at whatever the hell Edd had said.

As soon as the bell rang, Tord grabbed his things from his locker and ran home. He didn't bother to wait for his friends. Thoughts were running through his head and he needed to go home to figure it out. His heart was pounding, and he felt ready to punch someone wearing a green hoodie.

He ran into his house, up the stairs, and into his room, locking the door behind him. His parents weren't home until 5:30, which meant he had the house to himself for a while. He threw himself onto the bed and stared at the ceiling, his head spinning.

I'm surprised I got jealous at that. I mean, yeah I get jealous of Edd sometimes for hogging Tom...but for making him blush? What am I, a yandere?

Well, maybe...ugh, I don't know anymore. Do I like Tom? He is smart, and funny, and he's handsome, that's for certain. But I'm so mean to him sometimes. I am mean to everyone, but I don't have a chance with him if I'm like that all the time.

Wait, what the hell am I saying? I don't like that Jehovah! He's a little short prick who thinks he's sooooo brave.

Then why do I feel my heart beat when he looks at me? Why do I like teasing him so much? Why do I get jealous of Edd when he hangs out with Tom?

Tord grabbed his phone and searched for Tom's name in his messages. Of course their entire message history consisted of insult after insult, with some questions from last year about homework or projects they were forced to do.

Tord hastily typed, "hey, u like anybody??"

A few moments later, Tom responded, saying, "why in the name of jehovah would i tell you. you would blurt it out to everyone or use it to blackmail me."

Tord snorted, then wrote, "please tell me. i won't tell anyone, i promise."

God, Tord sounded like a middle school girl pestering her crush about who he liked. Well, that was true in some ways. Tord was pestering his crush about who he liked.

So I admit it. I think I do like Tom. Suddenly he felt a bit better as soon as he admitted it to himself. He was mean to Tom all these years because he liked the no-eyed male. Maybe it was the same for Tom. He messed with Tord because he too, had feelings for him.

Tom had typed a few sentences while he was busy in his thoughts. "i wouldn't tell you because i already know what you'll do. it happened before." Tord cringed at that. In middle school, Tom had a tiny crush on a girl on the volleyball team. She was way taller than him and was extremely pretty. Of course Tom had felt the need to tell his friends, and luckily Tord was there when Tom was confessing his feelings. And of course, Tord had told the girl, trying to be funny. And then Tom got flat out rejected in front of the whole school at a volleyball game. The girl called him out after he went over to her to tell her congratulations for winning. It was a memory Tord both hated and loved.

"i've changed, i promise. i only tease you because it's funny seeing you so flustered all the time." Tord sent that with a smile. "besides, i know who a lot of people like, and i'm sorry I did that before."

"y'know, this is the first civil conversation we've ever had." Tom had sent. "when you're nice you actually seem like a good person to talk to. hmm, this probably isn't you, it's probably some girl that snatched your phone."

"HAHA, very funny."

"whatever, commie. i'm getting a call from edd, so leave me alone." Then he stopped typing.

Dammit! Tord threw his phone across the room. It landed on the carpeted floor softly. He felt like ripping his hair out. He was actually starting to make progress with Tom, and Edd had to come in and ruin it all.

I hate to admit it, but I think that I like you.


Tom picked up the phone. This is a bit sudden...he thought suspiciously. Thoughts from his previous conversation with Tord ran through his head, and he mentally facepalmed himself. I can't believe I told him that. Was it a lie, or the truth...?

"Hi, Tom." Edd's voice sounded a bit uncertain, almost rushed. Tom's thoughts were now filled with worry. He was afraid something bad had happened, and he wasn't used to dealing with a lot of things. Including crushes. Cringing, he remembered his outing at the volleyball, and after, he was so sad and, surprisingly, afraid, that he had transformed overnight.

Tom got afraid for the weirdest of things. He thought it was because he didn't know how to handle the situation, and he was afraid the person wouldn't want to talk to him anymore, and spread rumors, and, and....

"I-I've got to tell you something really important." Edd said. Tom could hear something like Edd fiddling with a pencil or a pen on his desk.

"I like you...a lot."

OOF, I'm sorry for the short chapter, but I hope you guys enjoy it! (And don't worry, it's not EddTom!!!!! I SWEAR!!)

Make sure to vote, comment your opinions, and even follow me! It would be much appreciated! Have a great day, and I'm so sorry for the slow updates! :D

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