Chapter Three: High School

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Tom and Tord were natural enemies. At least, that's what Tord believed. He had known from the start that him and the no-eyed freak were rivals. As the new kid, he deserved to be teased and bullied. Tord's little code of honor proved it.

It was kind of funny. All throughout elementary and middle school, all Tord would do was pick on Tom. Sometimes they would fight it out, other times they would just battle each other with words. Usually Tom won the arguments, while Tord dominated him when they fought fist to fist. Tord was more muscular and taller than Tom was, although Tord had to admit Tom spent a fair amount of time in the weight room. Short but strong, Tom was a bit of a force not to be reckoned with.

Which was why Tord wondered why he was never afraid. Sure, the Norwegian got his fair share of fear, especially when he was on the court. Basketball was his life, and sometimes after games the players would get a little...rough. A quarter of the time would those kids actually make Tord genuinely afraid. Tom, however, seemed to be afraid of nothing. The small Brit played soccer in his spare time, and according to Edd, the players could get way more tougher than basketball kids did. Tom's small size made him a target on the field, from what Tord saw when he was dragged to his games by an excited Edd. He had to admit, Tom could handle his own out there, which was something Tord could almost find himself respecting.

The only thing the two could ever be equal to one another in sports was track. Well, those times were very fun. The two rivals were equal in speed, however Tom could run longer distances than Tord could. Which was something that Tord heckled Tom with. "You're so slow, no wonder you can run long distances. Your mile time is probably an hour!" "Says the kid that can't even run a lap without collapsing!" Fun times indeed.

Now high school was starting, which meant more teasing to be done by yours truly. Tord found himself anticipating the first day of school. He missed teasing the Brit. He liked the way he got all flustered when Tord gave him an insult he couldn't counter.

Wait, did I just say I liked something about Tom? Well yeah, I like a lot of things about him, which is why I pick on him in first place.

Tord had some time to realize that he sort of liked the Brit. He was small, cute, hilariously funny, and somehow liked a lot of things that Tord liked too. Sure, Tord wasn't the one to admit his feelings right then and there, but a lot of the times when they would fight Tord would sneak in some flirtatious comments to confuse the smaller male. It would make Edd and Matt quite interested in their fights instead of being too busy to break them up.

Edd and Matt. Well, those two had changed for the better and for the worse. Edd could be a bit...meaner nowadays, however he was still nice in his own little way. He was taller than Tom but shorter than Tord. Matt held the record for the tallest person in their little posse. As a pole vault nerd it was also fun to fluster the ginger sometimes when Tom wasn't around. Usually the guy was either at practice, in the weight room, or hanging out excessively with Edd.

It made Tord's heart go crazy when he would see Tom and Edd hang out together. Edd had told Tord a long time ago, back in middle school, that he had a small crush on Tom. Tord didn't know why he got a little jealous when he saw them. He would just push it into the back of his mind when that feeing arose. He wasn't that in love with Tom.

Was he?


The first day of high school rolled around the corner. Tord awoke to the sound of silence. I must've beaten the alarm clock, he thought as he threw the covers off of him. Yawning, he went to the restroom, brushed his teeth, and washed his face. He dressed into a black t-shirt, blue jeans, his black and white Converse, and his signature red hoodie. He went back into the restroom to comb his hair. When he was satisfied, he grabbed his backpack (it was red of course) and his phone. Running down the stairs, he said a hasty goodbye to his parents who were eating and rushed outside. Fresh air gently kissed his freckled cheeks and he looked up at the dawn sky, which was starting to brighten.

He began his trek to school. Along the way he stopped at Edd's house to wait for him. Usually the two would walk together to school. Two is better than one, anyways.

After what seemed like forever, the slightly chubby male walked outside. Dressed in his green hoodie, khakis, and green shoes, he looked comfy enough.

"Hey, Tord." Edd said as they began walking. "How was your summer?"

"Same old, same old." Tord drawled. "Workouts, workouts, and more workouts. I'm sure you were busy enough with swimming." Edd was a champion swimmer back in middle school.

"Yeah," Edd smiled. "My times are getting better everyday."

They walked in silence for a while.

"Do you think Tom has changed?" Edd asked, blushing a little. "I only saw him once, and that was at the grocery store."

"I'm sure he has." Tord growled, getting a bit annoyed. Why was it that every time he talked with Edd, it would be about the black-eyed male? Did Edd do that just to peeve him?

The two arrived at the high school. Tord liked that it was within walking distance of his house. He would sometimes walk to the middle school, but that was only when he woke up early enough.

It was a tall, towering brick building with arches and windows and trees and bushes and basically anything you would see in a rich kid neighborhood. A large courtyard greeted them when they walked in the entrance to the school. Benches dotted the area, and in the middle, a large fountain flowed majestically.

There weren't that many kids here. No wonder, school started at 8:15 and right now it was 7:00. However Tom and Matt were already here, the pair of them were making their way towards him and Edd.

Matt did change a little. His hair was grown out and cropped on one side of his head. He had a few freckles on his cheeks and his eyes seemed brighter and lively. He still had his skinny body, though.

Tom seemed to change the most. He had gotten piercings in his ears and his hair seemed more styled and well kept. He must've been working out as much as Tord had, because the Brit seemed more muscular than Tord remembered. Plus, he got braces. Tord could see them when he shot a little smile at Edd when the boy gave him a hello.

"Hey Matt, hey Jehovah." Ah, Jehovah. One of Tord's favorite nicknames for Tom ever since he had discovered his religion. Apparently his aunt was a Jehovah's Witness and had raised her adopted nephew to follow that same religion. Tom growled like an animal every time Tord called him that, and that's exactly what he did now.

"Shut the hell up, commie." That made Tord angry. Sure he was from Norway, but he wasn't a communist. Was he? He didn't know.

"Metal mouth."

"Freckle faced freak."


"Says the one that gets a C in every class."

"Hey, enough!" Shouted Edd. He broke up the two males, who were already starting to get physical with each other. Tord smirked at Tom, while Tom stuck out his tongue like a child and gave Tord the finger.

"Tom, stop being so childish. Tord, can you please just stop teasing Tom and be his friend?"

"Aw, but he gets so cute when he gets flustered." Tord smirked, while Tom's face went red. He narrowed his eyes in anger and whipped around, not daring to turn around and see Tord's playful smile.

Heh. He's gotten cuter than last year. Wait, what the hell, I'm not gay!

Or am I? I don't know, gosh darn it.

I hate you, Tom.

Woah, I'm tired. Got a few chapters for my tomtord debut! Make sure to vote and comment! I'll have at least one chapter posted tomorrow. Have a good day!

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