Chapter Six: Feel The Same?

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"I like you...a lot."

Tom's chest contracted. He didn't know what to say. He...didn't feel the same about the green boy. He just didn't. And he knew the last time Edd had gotten rejected by someone, it didn't end very well.

He felt so afraid right now, because he knew that as soon as he said it, his life would be living hell. Not only his, but all of his friends. Edd tended to start fights when he was angry. He was quite strong, almost as equal as Tord in some situations.

He didn't know why Edd got so...furious when the person didn't feel the same. He guessed it was because he wasn't always nice, and sometimes he could be a bit...abusive. Tom knew he grew up in a shaky family, and that he always tried to find the positive in things, but it slowly declined the older he got. He couldn't just lie outright- that would cause more trauma for Tom than it would for Edd.

Edd's behavior seemed to spread. When he was happy, everyone else was happy. And when he was angry...well, everybody tended to fight more.

Thinking back on today, Matt had seemed extremely upset after his talk with Edd. They had started fighting, but luckily the bell had rang before it had gotten out of hand. Edd and Matt would have their fights, like Tom and Tord. But Tom knew that Matt liked Edd, and the only reason why they fought was because he was so frustrated with the boy.

Tom knew the demon would come out after this, and probably everyday after that. He wanted to lie so bad, but nothing good could come out of that.

"I'm sorry Edd...I don't feel the same."

There was silence on the opposite end for a little bit. Then Edd responded, voice cracking, "Y-you don't?"

"No." Tom could feel tears welling up in his eyes, threatening to spill out like waterfalls.

"I thought you did. You acted like you liked me all this time. You lied to me, Tom. And I don't like liars..." Edd was crying, but threatening him at the same time. God dammit! Why can't he just leave it be? I don't LIKE HIM!" Fear clawed at his brain.

"Edd, stop. We can still be friends." He almost felt like throwing up now, the pain was so bad.

"Ugh, is because I'm ugly? Am I too fat? HUH, is THERE SOMETHING WRONG with ME?"

"Edd, stop, please, or I'm going to h-" He felt the monster crawling through his brain, trying to crack his skull open. He grasped his phone with his already clawed hand and quickly hung up, screaming, knowing his aunt would hear, and just dreading today.


The next day, Tom felt like a rock was weighing down on his back. He knew Edd would try to make a scene of things, and Tom didn't want to draw much attention to himself. He almost told his aunt he felt sick, but decided that it would be worse if he missed school today, because Edd might start spreading rumors while he wasn't around.

He got to school a little later than everybody else. He saw Matt and Tord talking by the fountain, and he avoided them, despite Tord's teasing calls. I don't need that commie making my life worse than it already is, thank you very much. He thought with an eternal eye roll.

Quickly he put his things in the locker before the bell rang. He felt like trying to skip.

But he didn't.


When Tom walked into class, he put on a hoodie he'd never worn. It was a black one with white strings and cuffs, and a little checkered symbol on his heart. He put his hoodie up, praying to Jehovah that the boy wouldn't notice him right away.

Then Tord walked in, and sat in the seat next to Tom. Tom almost felt like hugging the commie. He'd saved him from having to sit next to Edd. Tom knew Tord wouldn't move without a fight if he sensed something was wrong. Tom almost admired him for that. He always knew what was right or what was wrong in some situations. Not all, but ones that Tord knew could threaten his friends. His moral sense didn't occur when playing pranks on Tom.

"Psst, Jehovah. You in there?" Tom could feel Tord's finger poking his side. He must've zoned out. Growling, Tom jerked away from Tord's pokes.

"What?" He snapped.

"God, I was just trying to give you something." Tom could hear a paper being slid across the desk. Undoing his hoodie so that he could read it, Tom peered at the words.

It was for soccer tryouts. Tom could feel his spirit being lifted. Huh, I didn't realize that soccer started so soon. I didn't even remember that they had a soccer team. Tord...must've been looking for a flyer."

Tom pulled his hoodie completely off to look at the Norwegian. He seemed a bit...nicer than he normally was. Usually Tord looked pissed 24/7, however he seemed more relaxed, and even embarrassed. Was he like that because he had given Tom the flyer?

"Hey, thanks." Tom said, giving a small smile from within his hoodie.

"Yeah, um, I saw it on the way here and was surprised you didn't see, so..."

"Um." Tom looked away. The situation had gotten awkward, and fast. He looked back to see the commie blushing a bit.

"Yeah.." Tord trailed off, looking towards the door. His face turned from happy to furious in an instant. Tom peered over Tord's head so he could see what had gotten him to change his mood so quickly.

Tom immediately regretted looking.

It was Edd.

UM, I'm sooooo sorry for not updating! I've just been so busy with life. My schedule is so crazy I might only be able to post once a week. I'm sosoososoooooo sorry! Anyways, I hope you guys have an amazing day! Make sure to vote and comment your opinions!

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