Diamond Blade

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Another peaceful day in the human world. No sign of Muzan's sneaky schemes and still no job for unarmed Y/n. Kamo, her Kasugai Crow visit her and tell her that she have a guests that waiting at Oyakata sama's big house. Although she thinks that the guests must be looking for a wrong person, she still going to Oyakata sama'a place. Now she's there but quickly regret to come to this place.

Y/n sit with her bored eyes set to a masked old man called Hotaru. Oyakata sama sit between Y/n and the swordsmith, smiling. To be honest, nobody ever see their leader not smile.

Once she's there and sit, the younger swordsmith start to accused her as a thief from stealing the blade. Of course Y/n deny it and lazily explain to them that the blade is a gift over and over again.

"For the god's shake. how many times do I have to say it? That blade is a gift from my demon friend. So, technically Im not stealing it." Y/n irritatedly pinch the bridge of her nose, she doesn't know how deaf Hotaru was to keep asking her the same answer on and on. "Go ask him by yourself."

"You liar! Why does a demon even try to steal the blade that made for kill them?! You make a horrible excuse, missy." Hotaru angrily pointed her with his knife, in a daily basis he could jump or chased after her but Oyakata sama is here.

"Uh, I don't know. For a gift or something.." She said, nonchalantly, "a birthday present or a farewell gift." she murmured sadly.

"Shut your blabbering! No demon that kind enough to gift a murderer tool like this." Hotaru said "This blade missing for more than one and half years ago and now its suddenly come back. You must be mistaken him as a demon."

Again with her I-don't-give-a-fuck' tone, she said, "Oh, my demon is different, he have a kind human heart."

"Enough with this nonsense!" He yelled, Hotaru's head boil with his bad temper, he seems to forget about Oyakata sama's presence and when he realize he bow his head too low and hit the tatami floor so hard, now the pointy mouth of his hyottoko mask is broken.

Y/n finds this scene is hilarious since the angry swordsmith's mask now look rediculous, she covered her face only to giggle.

"Y/n san, your relationship with your demon friends seems closer than I thought." Oyakata sama chuckled but Y/n seems to didn't care.

"We're live together under the same roof for almost 4 years. So, of course we have a good term." She said, even when she has a foul mood, she try so hard to not freeze the room.

Oyakata sama was well entertained by her, though the blade's issue is still unanswered. "Im looking for that kind of relationship coming true in the future." He teased. "So what you said about the blade was a gift is true?"

"Yes, its true. He gives me the blade as a gift when I started to learn his demon art. He's well aware of this thing, he said to use this against the demon that try to attack me." She swore this is the last time she's explained, one more same question then she won't bother to answer.

"Its true, Hotaru san. I hope you understand." Oyakata sama said, and the swordsmith seems to believed in him more than Y/n.

"If Oyakata sama say so, then we will assumed that the stollen blade issue is done." Hotaru nodded as approval.

Y/n clicked her tongue, and wished the annoying swordsmith could give her blade back, she wants to put her strap again.

"Try hold this blade, I forged the blade to reach its final state. It will changed the color." Hotaru finally held his composure. He patiently waits for Y/n's blade to change.

The blade beautifully change to what it seems like fancy light diamonds color. Oyakata sama hummed in satisfied, and Hotaru nodded his head.

Y/n amazed by the change of the color, and while her eyes mesmerized by it, she asked, "Any special means?"

"No, this is the first time." Hotaru moved closer to take a good looks, the color indeed too beautiful.

"Is it bad?" She asked, while strapping the crystal back, it match well with the blade.

"Hmmm.." Hotaru stroked his imaginary beard, "Its rare, though. Could be a bad omen, or not. But you mingle with a demon for a long time, its bad."

She rolled her eyes, "Actually, so far thats the most beautiful moment in my life."

"Sure. Sure." Hotaru said half heartedly, packing his belonging. The swordsmith finally plan to go home. He put his woven hat with some fuurin hung around it. The eccentric hat caught her attention.

"Nice hat." She's compliment. "Handmade?"

"Yes, what a fine crystal strap you've got. Its a handmade right? I can tell by its look, whoever made this, they must be real talented." Hotaru now in a good mood, he about to go home and forge another blade.

"Oh, thank you. Of course he is, my demon is so talented." She said.

Hotaru snorted. " I take back what I just said."

"Screw you."

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