One and Only Friend

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The rain hits the roof loudly, its been 2 days straight and its give no sign to stop. Y/n sit watching the rain falls from the window, she sighed, not because she dislike the rain but its sadden her when Douma give her permission to go out to the nearby town but she couldn't do it. If it just a small rain, she can manage it, but the rain falls so heavy and even if she carry an umbrella, she will get soak eventually.

"Y/n chan, if you really want to go, then go, Im not going to stop you but as your only friend, Id like to advise you to stay here." He said, hand support his head while he read a book. "I don't want you to get sick, but having you in a gloomy mood like this makes me sad." he grinned.

"Well, you look more than happy now." Y/n said, the man she's been talking to now laughs.

Douma walk to sit beside her then casually lying on her lap. Y/n ignored him, not even trying to shove his head from her. He poked her cheek, "Cheer up Y/n." he said.

Its no use to be sullen, its not like the rain will stop if she keep complaining so she raise a white flag. She wrapped Douma's finger on her hand so he can stop poking her cheek but Douma use this as an opportunity to hold her hand.

"Let go of my hand." Y/n said, eyes on him.

Douma just shrugged casually and put her hand on half of his face, covering her left eye. "Say Y/n, do you like live with me?"

"Yes, I do."

"Then if I said I want to eat you, what will you do?" He asked her seriously, Y/n notice his change of behavior. He trailed his face using her index finger, from his eye, his cheek and his lips. He opened his mouth and put her finger inside it, she can feel how his fang slightly touch her skin.

For Y/n, Douma existence is the reason why she still alive, not for a romantic reason though. He basically save her from the demon that chase after her and keep her alive. He openly reveal that he is a demon and she knows what he eats, sometimes when Douma has to feed himself Y/n is still roaming around his room, either reading his book or just watch him curiously.

"Honest answers?" she asked.


"Then take it, but I don't want to feel any pain so you know what you have to do." She smiled, warmly and innocently.

"You sure?" He asked again, lightly squeezed her hand.

She rolled her eyes, she hates when she have to repeat herself, "100% sure, dummy."

Douma laughs, she give him the answer he needs but what he likes more is her precious gesture when she rolled her eyes. 'Im an upper moon 2 and she called me dummy' he thinks. He get up from her lap and stare at her deeply, "Did I scare you?", she shooked her head. "Im probably wouldn't be able to eat you, Y/n."

"Is that your sugar coating words to say that Im not pretty?" Y/n playfully asked.

Hearing her words makes him smile, "No, its for something that I haven't confirm it yet." he said, "enough talking about that, let's go out, I'll go with you."

She look at him like he is the idiot inside the room, "Its rain, we go nowhere."

"Oh." he just remind, "I do something about that." and in a split second the rain stop, leaving Y/n looks between amazed and dumbfounded.
He give a mischievous smile.

"I knew it..." She said, finally understand that the rain is all his doing.

Him To Her [douma x reader x tomioka giyuu]Where stories live. Discover now