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"Why so sudden?" Y/n asked him, tonight Douma ask her to have a night stroll with him. Y/s was happy to go but soon catches a glimpse of his change behavior. Douma used to be all smile, he is indeed always smile but its quite obvious that he tried to force it.

"Y/n chan always stay at home, I want Y/n chan happy." He said, Douma walks in front of her, and she follow closely.

The more she spend time with him, the more she feel his uneasiness. Y/n choose to respect his privacy by not asking him too much.
She followed his lead to the path where the nearest village are.
The night is so peaceful and quite, she started to prefer the night than the day. The serenity relaxed her so much.

Douma suddenly stop and turn to her side, he reached to his pocket and give her something, "This is for you, you can think this as your early presents for your birthday and for mastering some of my demon art."

Y/n's eyes sparkle for what  Douma is hold, its like some kind of a crystal strap, "Its so beautiful, Douma. Thank you." She take a good look to the strap.

"You can put it on the edge of the tsuka (handle). Its ok, even if you swing your sword faster, it wont detached." Douma smiled, this is the most genuine smile she seen for today.

"Did you make it for me? Hand made?" She asked while attached the strap, she admires it a lot. Douma quite skillful in the art of crystal.

He nodded and start to walk again, he stop talking and Y/n didn't wants to bother him either. They finally reach the village, Y/n's mouth opened in shock.

The village is not like she's ever known, its in ruined. The house all wrecked up, human bodies everywhere, the clear river now fill with several corpse.

"Douma what happened here?" She asked disbelief, she's in utter shock and when she turn her head to him, he is stand still, not smiling, his eyes express nothing.

"I need this to lure them out." Douma finally talked.

"Who?" Her words chocked in fear, she knows Douma is a demon but he never done this before, going berserk and destroy the whole village. Its really unlike him.

"Y/n chan, Muzan sama wants you to become a demon. Something I finally realize that I don't want you to be." He said. He desperately wants his planned work.

"He will find out soon, Douma. Cant we just runaway or hiding somewhere? Douma, this is crazy. You don't need to do this for me, he will kill you." Y/n's heart is ached and she don't like it, all the talks about Muzan makes her stomach ache too.

"We? I have nowhere to run Y/n chan, Im a demon, remember?" He chuckled, "And I don't have any strength to kill you too. Please, this is the best way for us." He pleaded.

"No, Douma. I don't have anyone except you. I don't wanna be part from you. If I have to be a demon then do it." Y/n started to panic, all of his words about to started to build tears in her eyes. "I feel.... I feel attached to you."

Upon hearing her words, its spark something inside his heart, something that he needs to confirm finally confirmed. "Y/n chan, I do like to have you around. I think its safe to say that Im attached to you as well. But before this feelings bloom even farther, I need to put a brake." he said, try to make her understand.

"I want neither of us get hurts, beside, I don't see this will work out, human - demon relationship is a bizarre thing, it has no future. I trust you with them who will keeping you out from me, even though we are never in a good term. So, Y/n chan. This is good bye." His last words provoked tears in her eyes.

She sobbed even harder as she couldn't control herself, "Do you really need to do this?" She asked weakly.

"I have to." He immediately answered. "And I need to mortally wound you, Y/n chan. I hope you don't mind."

"Its ok, Douma kun. No need to hold back." She tried to stop crying and smile, but fail, her eyes still glistening with tears yet she manage to keep her smiles.

Douma try so hard to not run and embrace her. Hearing she called him with the name he always nagged her to do almost make him change his mind, but his brain restrained him, by remind him with huge danger that awaits for them.

"Im sorry, Y/n chan. This time I cant really save you from Muzan sama, but at least, now you will out of his reach. After this night, please always be safe," He looks at her sadly, "and....don't forget me."

That his last wishes and she grants it, "I won't, never..." she closed her eyes. Give him a signal that she's ready.

With several drops of tears from his eyes, Douma fanned his fans.

Blood Demon Art:

Winter Icicles

Him To Her [douma x reader x tomioka giyuu]Where stories live. Discover now