Second Warning

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"Good job, Y/n chan!" Douma congratulated her from mastering his demon art or ice breath to be exact. She's now capable to make her replicas, and still couldn't beat up single Mini Douma.

"I cant win over that arrogant thing!" She pointed to his replica that immediately crushed her replicas.

"Its ok Y/n chan, you just learn everything from scratch since 1,6 years ago. Still long way to go to." He said, try to cheer her, since she learned her ice breath, she tends to make the temperature dropped when she's upset and in a bad case, she manage to make everything frosted.

Even if she didn't mean that go so far. The last time she really upset is when Akaza drop by, he taught her how to fight barehanded but his tiny patience took over him. Akaza end up leave her behind when Y/n keep complained about how silly is his fighting stance.  She learns nothing from him and she really upset enough to make all the snowflakes come down inside her room and frost everything. Luckily, Douma come in the right time to spoiled her with her favorites sweets.

"One and half year?" Y/n eyes widen as she disbelieve that it took so long to learn everything, and Douma even mention that what he taught to her is only the basic one, for a demon level of course.

"Sur...prised..." He originally intend to say that words happily but restrain himself, seeing how Y/n look taken aback is enough to put a  break on his mouth.

"Wow.." She said, "Times move so fast."

"Indeed." He smiled, "Now my dear Y/n chan is about to turn 19 years old." He patted her head and cup her face, examine her face, "Y/n chan is so beautiful! Probably the most beautiful human  I ever met, and now its safe to say that Y/n chan is also strong."


"Of course, I don't even need to poke my head to remind me." He joked, "Im almost forgot, Muzan sama has request for  my presence tonight. You will be just fine right?"

Y/n just shrugged. Upon seeing her reaction, Douma sneer and get up.

"Now?" She asked.

"Mhmm." He hummed, "I need to eat first. Im focusing my self with how I make you last longer in battlefield and set aside my meal time." He make mini Douma again and Y/n looks annoyed. "Don't say anything, I just need to make sure that you'll out of harm."

"I know, I know. Gezz...Douma, I haven't say anything."

"I know Y/n chan. Be a good girl for me ok? You better sleep now, your body must be exhausted with how you keep using your ice breath."

Y/n waves her hand, asking him tp leave and before Douma left the room, He gives a silly kiss sound and quickly  retreat before Y/n could throw him with anything thats she could grab.

Y/n decide to sleep early while Mini Douma stands beside her bed. Douma was right, using this ice breath really tiring. She immediately enter her slumber once she settle in good position to sleep.

"Muzan sama."  Douma greeted the demon lord at the dimensional fortress. The lord took a form as an adult, his black curly hair covered by his hat. And his red eyes glowed like the the red moon.

Douma notices both Kokushibo and Akaza also there. Not like Kokushibo, Akaza seceretly give him his unsettle looks. That time, Douma realizes that its not going to be good.

The lord send him his smile, a smile that Douma possessed throughout his lifetime as a demon, a fake one. "How's the other Upper Moon doing right know?"

Douma soon realizes that this meeting is going to drag Y/n as the main discussion. As much as he wants Y/n to stay out of this, he just couldn't.  "Y/n chan is doing great, Muzan sama."

"Thats good to hear." The lord smile brighter, "Now tell me, is she ready to fight for my shake?"

"She is." Although Douma keeps answering the question with his usual expression, he is started to feel anxious. He is indeed looks well, and relaxed. Something that Akaza couldn't understand why he manage to looks fine with it. His poker face really useful in a time like this.

"One last question, when she will become demon? I thought you said you're going to handle this but why are she still human." He asked, Douma knows that his lord about throw a fit rage if he doesn't give a smart answer. "I don't want any human between us. Its always will be a demon or dead."

The tension getting heavy than before, Muzan is not a patience demon and he is in hurry to retrieve Blue Spider Lily. He is a type that will do anything for his goal.

"Of course, Muzan sama. I'll make sure she's well informed." Douma grinned.

"If you're unable to do that because of trivial things, Kokushibo and Akaza will be more than happy to do that." The second warning that Muzan gives to him is the last one.

"Ah, no need Muzan sama. I deal with her." Douma quickly answered that before any of them volunteered.

All this talks about Y/n secretly makes him going insane. He couldn't hear anything that Muzan said, he cant take any chance to jeopardized her. Before he knows it, the meeting is end and it just Douma and Akaza left behind.

Akaza waits for the right time to come closer, Douma's dumb face really irritated him. "Im not going to help you. Im not killing any woman nor eat it flesh." He snapped, a words that Douma appreciate a lot, "I don't care what happened between both of you, but you better end it before Muzan sama takeover her from you."

Thats whats been said, Akaza takes his leave while Douma slowly drag his feet to exit the fortress.  He sudden overflow emotion makes him crazy.

Douma walks avoiding his home, he feel the need to clear his head before facing Y/n and bring this matters up. The night its still long, he could use this time to make a plan.

"Muzan sama right, I shouldn't stop myself because of trivial things." He said while he looks to the dark horizon, he fully aware that once she become a demon she will be different, and thats one of his concern. He eventually come up with an idea and tilted his head into the nearby village, the village that Y/n and him come for night stroll.

"Better start now, or will be too late."

Him To Her [douma x reader x tomioka giyuu]Where stories live. Discover now