Blue Spider Lily

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"Blue spider lily?" Y/n turned her head when Douma asked her about the flower. She still sticking to Douma even though the last event with Muzan occured about 2 months ago.

"Yes, Muzan sama looking for that flower. Perhaps you know about that flower, Y/n chan?" Douma lazily curled him self on his bed.

"I know the red one, but I don't know if the blue one is exist." she said, "go asked your Muzan sama where he heard about it. He must be delusional." The only time she loves to talk about Muzan is obviously behind his back. Anger, sadness and scared. Thats how she felt when she heard his name. Anger because he hurt them, sadness because she know she can do nothing against him and he scared the hell out of her.

Douma pouted sadly, "I don't know Y/n chan, if I asked him, he will be extra pissed, no?"

Y/n currently enjoy arranging flowers, for some reason Douma's worshipper send him so many flowers. He's not complained about it though. In fact his boring room become more lively. "Take the red one and painted it blue, when he complained the flower didn't even work on him just tell him that he have too many complications."

"Y/n chan, do you hate me that much? Muzan sama will probably kill me if I said that kind of thing." He whined, "and he will come after you because you are the mastermind."

Y/n snorted, she really hates that man so much but what Douma said has a point. And she knows it, she just talk whatever she wanted to. "Im not hating you, Douma." She said, "Come closer, if you have nothing to do except thinking about where that flower bloom, why don't you arranging flower like I do now." Y/n showed him her handiwork, "Its pretty."

"Oh, I don't know Y/n chan. Instead, I think Im prefer arranging human's left over." He smirked playfully. Winking her and signaling to Gyokko's pot.

She snapped, "Don't you dare!" which Douma reply with his laughs.

Douma walk closer to the angry girl, he didn't meant that seriously, he just weirdly loves to mess with her. Sometimes she get along with it and sometimes she snapped just like what shes's doing now.

He sit in front of her, eyeing her, but the said girl didn't even batting her eyes. Looks like Y/n really into the ikebana.

Douma eyes set to all the flowers that he don't even know its name. Let alone its name, some of them were the first time he saw it. He looks stunned by the flowers, and the way Y/n arrange it make its looks so enchanting.

"What happen to you?" Asked Y/n, raising her eyebrows. She's about to make the next one.

"Huh? No, this is the first time I saw this one and this and that, that one too, that purple one is weird but I like the smell, the white one too, that pink stripped white is so big and it smell so nice, how about that blue one, is that the blue spider lily?" He excitedly pointing to some of the flowers.

Y/n frowned, "Are you kidding me? The shape is way too different, that one called Hydrangea. Dummy."

"Is dummy my pet name now?" He said unamused.

"No, I called you dummy because you just act like one."

Douma give a low chuckled, and decide to watching Y/n and maybe mess with her a little more because she called him dummy.
Hour passed and Y/n still diligently arrange the flower. Douma just notice something, how Y/n looks different then before. He said before that Y/n is pretty but not too pretty, but now he admitting that she is truly a beauty. "I think you're change Y/n chan."

"For a bad or good reasons?" She didn't take his words too seriously, she's focusing on her ikebana.

"Y/n chan look prettier than when we first meet." Douma happily announced it. She give an 'are you kidding me' looks but thats didn't stop Douma to talk farther. "How old are you now?"

"Im about to turn 17 in 5 months." Y/n finally stop whats she's doing and give her attention to Douma, she feel that she's being neglecting him, thats why he start to talk about her, to have her fullest attention.

"Ara~~ Araa~~~" He chirped, "Y/n chan is so young but aging beautifully. I cant wait to see you in your early twenties, you must be look so georgeous."

Y/n smiled hearing the demon's praise. The handsome demon never cease to amaze her. "Then how about you? How old are you?"

"Me?" He pointed himself, "Iam more then hundreds years, I lost count of it. But I turn into demon when Im 20 years old. Hmmm.." Douma about to impale his head with his finger but Y/n manage to stop him.

Upon hearing his true age, she is in shocked, but it makes sense, he is a demon afterall. He can last up to thousand years if he didn't soaked up the sun. "I will call you Douma jiichan for now on."

Douma scoffed, "Age is just a number Y/n chan. The physical is more important. My age might be a hundreds years old but my appearance is as fit as 20 years old human." He defend himself.

Y/n just shrugged it off, "Well, I don't know but I do find you quite attractive."

"Quite attractive is an understatement Y/n chan."  He murmured.

Y/n took the hydrangea and give it to Douma, "I dare you to give it to Muzan sama."

Douma sneered and took the flower, "Then I dare you to go with me to bring this flower to Muzan sama."

Both of them laugh hilariously hearing what they said, Douma thinks that Y/n finally moved on from that moment since she can joke around about his lord. Its about time she will back to her room and Douma kinda going to miss her for not roaming around his private quarter or for claiming his bed as hers since Douma didn't need to sleep.

"But, seriously..." She tried to calm himself after laughing that hard. "Why your worshipper bring these flowers for you, do you happened to asked them around?

"No, I said that they don't need to bring anything for us but some of them insist to give it." He said, helping Y/n collected all the flowers.

"Us?" She said, confused. A card slipped down when Y/n took the flowers from Douma, she pick it up and read it.

'Congratulation For Your Wedding.'

"A wedding? Douma, do you know about this?" She give the card to Douma. He take a look and he give her his knowing looks that this card is normally necessary.

"Well,.you know, yesterday some of them asked me about you, saying that who is the girl that too clingy on me." He teased her because Y/n looks so funny.

"Im not clingy, and I have my reason. Don't add any unneeded story."

"They said we are look so close but you rarely seen joining the cult activities." He keep telling his story.

"O....key, go on."

He still smile, and his eye smile is on point, it could make any woman fangirling over him.
The demon really know how to use his charm. Y/n is not always immune to his ability and sometimes she fall for it, especially if its related to his eyes.

And to make it more rousing, Douma absentmindedly drop the bomb, "They asked if you are my sister or something but I said that you are my wife and we just married a couple days ago. You're just being shy and all, and thats why you rarely join the cul- eh... Y/n chan? Are you ok?" He stop talking and didn't have any clue why his Y/n chan petrified and her mouth open like a goldfish.

Him To Her [douma x reader x tomioka giyuu]Where stories live. Discover now