Smiling Demon

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The smell of reeks blood finally hit Y/n to open her eyes, once she saw her surrounding, she knows that she's failed. The demon got her.
It seems she's the only one left inside the cage, there's nobody here and the door unlocked. She pushed the door slowly so it wont give any cracking sound like the wooden door usually have.

She follow the footprint to a bigger hall. Her mind screaming to leave the place immediately, finding escape route rather than following the foot prints that obviously will make her getting caught, or worse, death awaits her behind the door.

The air become thicker, she knows something dangerous roaming behind the door, yet, she pushed it slowly. What Y/n saw next wasn't expected by her. She predict some ugly, beast looking demon but what sitting before her eyes is an 'almost human' looking demon, devouring what she's suspected as a woman that probably being locked in the cage like her.

"Oh.." The demon said, eyes scanning to Y/n's facial expression. "You seems undisturbed with this."
Y/n took a time to answered the question, she saw where the floor mess with blood pool and the demon purposely eating the deceased woman's hand in order to frightened her. "No." Y/n said, "not really, not much."
"And why is that? You could be my next meal." The demon laughs, amused with her reaction. "You are pretty, and I only eat pretty woman."
"Is that your dietary? or you just being too picky?"

This time, Y/n make him flutter. Its a normal that every girl will try to run after learning that he's a demon, but this girl, she knows he is a demon yet she's not trying to run away from him.

"Now, now.... May I know your name?" The demon gets interested with her, he even decide to not finish his meal and gesture her to come closer which she surprisingly followed.
Before his eyes, there's a girl with emotionless face that walk gracefully on the bloodied floor like she doesn't care about it, She took an appropriate gap from him and sit down.

"My name is Y/n. Whats yours?" she asked, trying to be polite, what Y/n can do now is following whatever he asked in order to stay alive.
"Y/n was it? I like how your name's sound. Im Douma, Im the leader of the cult." Douma introduced himself, offering his hand to shake as a friendly gesture, which she reach it and Douma happily hold her hand. "Are you sure you're not afraid? Im a demon." Douma curiously asked her.
"That's what Im trying to know, do you use some kind of mind control spell on me or something else?"
Douma chuckled, "Im using no such thing, Y/n. Maybe it just you that, what should I say...dangerously fearless, I guess."

Y/n try to proceed what Douma just said, dangerously fearless? Maybe yes, sometimes she willing to let her nose crossed the border and gets her into trouble at the orphanage. And may be not so dangerously fearless, cause even when she looks like she's okey, she's 100% scared if Douma finally decide to consume her.

She's inhaled and give a small smile to Douma, "Im not like what you think."
Douma stand on his feet, surprising Y/n and he offer a hand for her. "Lets change, I believe I have a spare kimono for you, well, if I don't then I just go ask Nakime to lend you her kimono." Douma swing their hands happily.
"Who's Nakime?"
"Another demon, of course."

Him To Her [douma x reader x tomioka giyuu]Where stories live. Discover now