Her Exam

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"Im here as a refugee, Im seeking place to keep me out of any demon, especially that eerie demon lord. And the next thing I know, they asked me to go to Funikasane Mountain for an exam. Can you believe that, Tomioka san?" Y/n complained, Giyuu is kindly enough to escort her to the exam place, as both of them hike the mountain she started blabbering. Giyuu respond her by nodded his head and said 'I see".

"They say offence is a best defence, in my case its more like suiciding." She sadly said, her changes of tone make Giyuu stopped walking, "I make my self to be some kind of demon's public enemy no. 1, are you sure Im going to be fine?"

Giyuu looked at her a little bit too long, the temperature in the mountain already low and she tend to make it lower. "So we are, not only you, human are naturally their enemies." He said.

What Giyuu said was true, she should stop putting herself as the only one that having this problem. She smiled, and realized that she's not alone. "I need you to promised me then."


"If I ever turn my back to humanity and become a demon, which is I doubt it will happen. I want you to be the one that eliminate me." She sternly said, Giyuu nodded, its hard but he willing to do that.

"And one more thing, if Im in the verge of dying, you always come and save me from whatever it is." She proposed.

Its another promise that Giyuu believes couldn't keep, but here is Y/n with her self doubt standing before him, he wants to help her as much as he can. Y/n offered her pinky finger to him. Giyuu reluctantly welcomed her finger, "Im agree with the first one, but...the second promise, Im not sure I'll be able to fulfill it." He hang his head low and release his finger.

Y/n walk passed him, he feel guilty but he wont promised her something he can't give. His eyes follow where she's going.

"Tomioka san, you shouldn't doubt yourself. You are strong and I can see how strong you are." She said without turn her back and keep walking. Giyuu finally followed her.

"Im allowed to have self doubt because all this thing that happened to me already messed me up and I need some times to get rid of it." She tilted her head and find him walk by her side, "I trust you, like how I trusted you to be the first one that knowing the truth about me." Y/n smiled without loooking at him. The wisteria gate is in front of them. The big tree ducking like they protecting the passer by.

"We're here." Giyuu said when they finally reach the spot, trying to change the subject, but Y/n didn't buy it.

"So what should I do now?" She asked, boringly. The wisteria flower is so beautiful, she cant believe this beautiful thing have a deadly effect for all demon. "Unfortunately its bloom in purple." She absentmindedly said, "If its blue, I will trimmed its petals and  personally bring it to Muzan. I'll go like 'Hello Muzan sama, its me Y/n and yes, Im still alive. This is the real Blue Spider Lily, you can have it!'  and Im going to shove it to his mouth. Ha! Like its going to happened, Im probably die before I reach him." She talked to her self.

Giyuu stands behind her. He heard what she said, whats inside her mind is more damage than he thought. Its like he meet the real Y/n that he mets before, its doesn't mean he didn't like it, frankly, he likes her personality. She's trust him. She's too easy getting used to his silent treatment which he never meant to, its pleased him that she didn't walk away and misunderstood him.
"Its like a survival thing, stay alive for seven days. I will pick you up later." He explained.

"How do you know when Im done? What if I die before seven days?" She asked, readying her self to enter another demon nest.

"I have my way." He answered, "beside, I believe in you, you will make it."

She shrugged, "You just trying to cheer me up." The forest is so dark and she knew what kind of thing that roaming every corner of the forest.

"True." Giyuu simply said, and she scoffed hearing that. "But... Im not lying when I said I believe in you."

Y/n's pale cheek blushed in darker shade and Giyuu quickly averted gazing her which its somewhat makes him blush too. It not like he said he loves her, but her reaction makes him feel like he said so.


"Wh..what? He stuttered, her reaction flustered him.

"I'll try my best, see you in god's know when!" She cheerfully said, running inside the forest.

Giyuu watched how Y/n slowly out of sight and leave him alone.
He put his hand to where his heart beating so fast. He was confused by how its rapidly beat. He think he might have a heart attack.

Or maybe not that kind of heart attack.

Him To Her [douma x reader x tomioka giyuu]Where stories live. Discover now