Part 6: Class

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(Thank you for those who been reading and enjoying this book thus far. I am so happy that many are reading this crap. I can't wait for you to finish reading the volume that I have laid out for you)


I woke up and stretch widely. Soon enough I look around to see everyone was still asleep. I got up and get dress in my school uniform in the bathroom we have, I could have been in there to change last night, but I didn't saw it so too bad to think about it now. It is a nice bathroom. After I got dress I saw that Yang and Blake was awake but Weiss, what a princess. Soon I got a horrible idea to wake her up.

I tell the two girls and we all got a devilish smiles on our faces. Man the look on her face. I grab my whistle that I brought for the leader and I got close to Weiss. It just happen that she open her eyes before I blow it. With one mighty blow she drop out of her bed, I stand up tall and chuckle to myself.

Y/N: "Good morning Weiss! About time that you woke up!" 

Weiss: "What in the world is wrong with you?!"

Y/N: "The world is very wrong and it is our job to fix it for any one and everyone! Now that you are awake we can began the first order of business that we need to do before heading to class."

Weiss: "Excuse me?"

She stand up and dust herself off. I turn to see Yang and Blake dress and prepare to do what we discuss.

Yang: "Decorating!"

Weiss: "What!"

Blake: "We still have to unpack."

Blake lift her suitcase up to show that we need to unpack. I nod for Weiss to see their point, till it open and lots of stuff fell to the ground. There is a lot of books but there was one that I notice. Ninjas of love, I heard it is a mature romance drama. I should read it when I have the chance.

Blake: "and clean."

Weiss was dumbfounded or maybe half asleep so I blow my whistle again to wake her up. She fell to the ground again and I stand tall.

Y/N: "Alright! Weiss, Blake, Yang, and their Fearless Y/N has began their first mission. BANZAI!"

Blake & Yang: "Banzai!"

We turn our body slightly and for some reason I heard a bamboo thingy hit. (I have no idea what it is called but you guys know that bamboo water thing in animes or in Japanese settings)

TIMESKIP due to me being lazy of writing all of the montage

WE did our room and the beds were a mess. We have them over each other in the middle of the room. It was a mess to say the least and I was surprise that the beds were over each other.

Weiss: "This isn't going to work."

Blake: "It is a bit cramp."

Yang: "Maybe we should ditch some of our stuff."

I panic internally. I didn't want to throw away some stuff that belongs or remind me of Sapphire and mom. Think Y/N. Think. Oh I know.

Y/N: "We could ditch the bed and replace them with bunks beds! It is better for everyone right!"

Weiss: "That sound incredibly dangerous."

Yang: "And super awesome!"

Blake: "It does seem efficiently."

Weiss: "Well we should put it to a vote. "

Y/N: "I think we just did Weiss, but we can go it again just for you."

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