Part 22: Extermination

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Oobleck: "Don'tMakeTheLongFaces. IWasAnExcellentHuntsmanBackInMyDay."

(Don't Make the Long Faces. I was an Excellent Huntsman back in my day.)

The four was in complete shock as the little dog tilt his head in confusion. 

Oobleck: "IKnowYouAreAllJustFirstYears, AndYouHaven'tShadowSomeoneYet. SoConsiderThisMissionAsBothAnShadowAndExtermination. NowWhyIsThereADogAmongYou?"

(I know you are all just first years, and you haven't shadow someone yet. So consider this mission as both an shadow and extermination. Now, why is there a dog among you?)

Y/n: "My Father couldn't take care of him, so I have to bring him with us. Is that bad?"

Oobleck: "No! InFactThisIsBetter!" 

(No! In Fact this is better!)

The professor zoom over to Zwei, inspecting him with a keen eye. All of them tilt their heads in confusion. 

Oobleck: "YouSeeDogsHaveExcellentSenseOfSmell, SharpEyes, AndOneOfTheBestHearingOfAllPetsThatExist! BringingHimToAssistYouMisterRoseIsAGoodIdea."

(You see dogs have excellent sense of smell, sharp eyes, and one of the best hearing of all pets that exist. Bringing him to assist you mister Rose is a good idea.)

Y/n: "Damn, cool." 

Oobleck: "NowThatIsTakenCareOf. AllOfYouAreGoingToSplitUpIntoSeparateSectionsAroundAKeyPoint. ThisIsToShowMeThatYouArePrepareInYourDutiesAsHuntresses, AndHuntsman.  IWillBeDoingMyDutyAsAHuntsmenAsITrainYou. LetsGO!"

(Now that is taken care of, all of you are going to split up into separate sections around a key point. This is to show me that you are prepare in your duties as Huntresses, and Huntsman. I will be doing my duty as a huntsmen as I train you. Lets Go!)

The professor turn around quickly and walk away towards an bullhead. The team, plus Zwei, follow behind. Taking off the team load up their weapons as Oobleck pull out a scroll and type away. 

Oobleck: "INeedToDoResearchAroundTheSouthernTower, MakingItOurBaseForTheNextFewDays. WeissWouldTakeTheNorth, YangTheWest, BlakeTheEast, Y/nWatchTheNorth. EliminateAsManyGrimmAsPossibleAndMaintainYourPositions, AndWeBeSet."

(I need to do research around the southern tower, making it our base for the next few days. Weiss would take the North, Yang the West, Blake the East, and Y/n watch the South. Eliminate as many Grimm as possible and maintain your positions. And we be set.)

Y/n: "You said Watch the South? I assume you are placing me in the tower?" 

Oobleck: "Yes I am. I be doing my work mostly in the North where Weiss is at. You be making sure that our backs is watched, but you may need to provide overwatch to the girls, mostly over areas that I am at." 

Yang: "Hey you not ........."

Oobleck: "When I am very serious or not at school, I talk normally. You think I walk fast all the time? I would have suffocate myself years ago. As first years, I have to give you over 10,000 years of recorded history in 16 months. Not enough time in my opinion." 

Three minutes later the team reached the spot they will be spending a couple of days. Y/n was sniping off a couple of Grimm that was out in the open. The bullhead landed afterwards to let the team and professor to step off. 

Oobleck: "Alright team, go to your positions." 

Blake: "Professor, you never stated what is your duties?"

Oobleck: "I didn't, didn't I? I am studying why Grimm is gathering here. More importantly studying the movement patterns to better understand them. More of the books written at the school is written by huntsmen and huntresses such as myself. All in the hopes that one day we can no longer fear the Grimm." 

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