'So if am not mistaken your name is Ira', I guess that's the name Iya told me, he use to say just remove the 'y' and add 'r', he wished you two were twins .

I gave her a cute smile and nod, thoughts of Iya came to mind and I just imagined him saying those words, I didn't let the tear fall as I immediately wipe it off with my thumb.

'Oh sweetie, I'm sorry to bring back memories' she said to me as she cupped my face in her palms like a kid she wants to impress.

'No, its fine, I must have allowed my mind wonder too much, you didn't do anything wrong. In fact I will be your friend just because you were Iya's'.

I saw a bright shade of red form on her cheek as she blushed and pulled me in for a big hug.

'Hey sis, what's taking you so long' Someone spoke from behind me.
I know that voice, that's Walter's voice' I said to myself but shaking off the thought.

'Come on Walter, I'm with a friend, come say hi to Her' winner said to Walter, who I'm still backing .

I froze in my spot, 'hi' he said to my back, since he couldn't see my face cause I refuse to turn around .

Walter came forward to take his sister's trolley, and that was when he used the opportunity to look at me.

'Uhmmm, you!!, Ira,  right??' He said as he came forward letting his hand drop from the trolley.

I jerked back in fear, he frightened me with his high tone, the way he said the 'you' was like someone who just got the criminal that stole his PS,

' you two know each other' winner asked as a smile made its way to her face,

'Well, you see win---' I started but was cut short , ' we attended the same high school and I met her today in class, and she's super weird' Walter spoke interrupting me.

Those words of his broke me, winner noticed that his words hurt Me and she slapped his arm which made him wince.
     'what was that for' he asked facing his sister, ' well, that was for not knowing how to talk ' she said shaking her shoulders as she talked

' okay, Ira, let's help you get a few things because obviously you are not with your grocery list which will be hard for you to get some items all by yourself.

I don't know why, but I feel really comfortable around her, I decided to call her 'win' and she didn't have a problem with it in fact she loves it,

Walter held unto Win's trolley and I held mine as win helped me get some stuffs in my trolley.

As we did the shopping, win brought topics and we all laughed at her jokes, she's really funny, I must say.

Win insisted on paying for my groceries even though I pleaded with her not to.

Walter took my hand and led me to the ice cream stand, I was a little taken aback even though I love it.

' so what's your favorite flavour' he asked me as he stared at me as if he can read my mind.

'I love strawberry I told him shyly. He ordered for three plates of the ice cream, paid for it and we walked to meet Win who is done paying.  I took my bag from her and thanked her and we all left grocery.

           'why  don't we all go to the park, take a sit and enjoy this cold ice cream under the cool breeze' win suggested.

We all crashed in a long bench in the park and had our ice cream , Walter is really fun, he cracked a lot of jokes and we ended up laughing our asses out.

They volunteered to drop me off at home which I didn't argue about , Walter placed my bike in the boot and we drive off to my hide out, which is my apartment.
     I call it a hide out because in here, I'm far away from the world and the people in it because I'm all alone.

I found out my head lamp was out as soon as we got to my apartment, Win sincerely apologized even though I  told her countless times not to, still reminding her I'll get it fixed, she finally relaxed, Thanks to Walter who spoke to her since he was not interested in our argument.

Win and Walter collected my number and I didn't hesitate to take theirs of course especially Walter, I'm surprised he collected mine and we just hung out .

Since I got here, today has proven to be the best day for me, I said to myself .

when I got up in the morning I noticed I had twelve missed calls from a particular number,

I wonder who would have called me severally and so early, I thought of Walter but I remember vividly saving his number, with his sister's.

I totally forgot about the unknown number and just prepared for the better day ahead of me.*********

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