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rough play (not)

feat. bf material ;-;

“woah! what was that?”

you stood from the bench, amazed at your boys.

it was your first time watching their match. all your life, you never came to watch because you've always thought that your role as their manager was to prepare their food (individually, acc. to their diet) and welcome them home with towels and bottles of water.

after all, you volunteered to take the (demanding) role of taking care of them among the managers.

while you were nursing them back to health when they're sick and comforting them when they're down, the other managers (mikado and ootani) were recording their stats and monitoring their work outs and practices.

of course, you sometimes go to practice when the boys had succeeded to force you to come but you only saw them do basic practices like dribbles and passes and trainings like running laps and doing rounds of push ups.

so you never expected them to do something so unbelievable like summoning a large hand and using that to catch the ball or summoning sharks that eat the goalkeepers alive.

“what was what?” mikado asked as she blinked. you only took a sharp breath, eyes not leaving your boys on the field. “that, the thing haizaki just did.”

“that's a type of hissatsu technique; a hissatsu shoot to be specific, manager.” hiura said with a kind smile. “hissatsafshsg– what?” you frowned at the name (“too complicated”), clicking your tongue.

“a hissatsu shoot. it's a special technique that we use during matches to score goals.” he explained as you slowly nodded. “is it magic?” you asked as he laughed and shook his head: “no. it's powered with a lot of things, but mainly our strength, force and feelings. it's a bit complicated to explain but it isn't magic at all.”

“then what was that? the thing ichihoshi and yuuma did?” you jumped in your seat (“ichihoshi and yuuma looked so cool when they did it! i wanna do it too!”). hiura only chuckled as mikado smiled fondly at you, “that's ‘the general’, a hissatsu tactics. it's an offensive type of hissatsu tactics that gives them enhanced speed, agility and other skills.”

you whistled as a response and grinned, “as expected of anna. you're really good at what you do.” you said as mikado giggled and playfully slapped your arm. “well, this is the only thing i can do as a manager. i can't cook at all and take care of them like you, nor can i monitor their workouts regularly like tsukushi. all i can do is record their stats and observe their plays.” she said as the both of you sighed.

then you turned and focused back on the match. moments after, the first half had ended with a tie. the boys gathered around as you passed out towels together with the other managers. “that was amazing, you lot!” you exclaimed with your thumbs up.

“i actually didn't expect you all to be amazing at soccer but goodness you guys looked like you were beating their asses.” you sighed with a proud look, nodding (“you guys really do take after me”).

“manager, what were you thinking of us the whole time...” sakanoue said with a look of disbelief. “hmm... but don't you think those bunch of retarded cockroaches are lowkey playing rough? or is it just me?” you asked as ichihoshi snickered, “so manager noticed it too.”

“eh? they were?” mansaku asked, wiping his head with the towel. “the time asuto fell, he was actually pushed intentionally, although it look like an accident.” mizukamiya said as he downed his bottle.

“so the time where that guy ‘miscalculated’ the direction of his shoot to me was intentional?” goujin asked as gouenji nodded. “so when he went over to goujin and asked him if he's okay, it was an act... is that what you were trying to say?” tatsuya confirmed as gouenji nodded once again.

you looked over at the opposite side and locked eyes with a member– the one who pushed asuto. you shivered when he suddenly licked his lips and stared down at you. you made a disgusted face and rubbed your arms, moving over to atsuya to hide your frame.

atsuya blinked when you suddenly neared him, he held your shoulders gently with a raised brow. “what's wrong?” he demanded. you only replied with a disgusted look, “nothing, just saw a bunch of rotten pigs.” (“i suddenly have an irresistable urge to cut their juniors off and make them eat it through their nostrils”)

“who was it?” he asked as you frowned (“.. aah, if you ask me that so suddenly...”), looking down with narrowed brows to hide your sudden flustered (?) face; “it was.. the jerk who pushed asuto.”

“i'll beat his ass for you.” atsuya said as he tried to make you look up to him. “hey, what's wrong, look at me.” he said as you slowly looked up with a playful glare directed to atsuya.

“hey, don't play dirty like them.” you said as atsuya chuckled and ruffled your hair, “okay, fine. now go to the room on the vip area that hiroto and kidou prepared for you. he won't be able to see you there.”

long story short you slept like a baby as soon as you entered the room and thus missed the second half, but you already knew they won so you didn't lose anything. at the end of the day, you caught a glimpse of that pig all bloody and bruised.

“atsuya, i told you no rough plays...”

“and i didn't do any rough plays.”

“then what happened to him..?”

“well, you only told me no rough plays so i beat him up after the match. guess what, he screamed like a girl.”

“atsuya...” (cue facepalm)

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