Chapter 20

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Rage, Lust and Love

These were the emotions that battled inside of me while I stared into Jakes eyes. He makes me so angry, he has for many years now but I had loved him longer than that, long before I even knew what love was, as a child I was always drawn to Jake, wanting to be by his side, he was never like the other pups in our pack, he never bullied anyone or excluded anyone either. All my best memories of being a pup involved Jake, from the adventures we would go on together to the play fights and times we'd just sit and tell each other funny stories.

Most of the other pups in our pack were afraid of me because they knew I was stronger than they were, I never hurt anyone on purpose but I would never sit back and watch someone be hurt by another. I was designed by the Moon Goddess to protect my pack, I knew this from a very young age and it's a role that I've always taken seriously.

My pack comes first, no matter what, I was raised to believe this, we all were, so imagine my surprise when I was betrayed by someone in our pack, someone who should have known better and I really shouldn't be blaming Jake, it's not his fault, he was just kid, like me, he most likely had no idea that someone wanted to destroy our pack from the inside.

"Are you going to reject me?" Jake had asked me, clearly the fate of my answer was consuming him, if I was to reject him then he would not only lose his status as Alpha of the Tingira Pack but he would most likely be kicked out and forced to become a rouge but if I accept him then we lead the pack together, I would become his Luna, his equal, although most Alpha's never allowed their Lunas to take part in battle, they were pushed into becoming the nurturing, caring Mother figure of the pack...that would never be me, I could never be one to just stay back at the house while the warriors went out to defend our pack. I craved the fight.

"Jake I love you, I have always loved you and I want to accept you as my mate, I want to lead the pack with you, by your side, when you go to war I want to be right there with you, I want to fight for my pack and I want to protect it and if you won't allow me to do this then I can not accept you as my mate"

He takes a moment to register what I'm saying and I watch as the biggest grin spreads across his face, displaying his dimples. He's absolutely gorgeous, he always was but now that he's grown from a boy into a man I see him in a whole new light, where he used to be my best friend now he can be so much more than that...if he agrees to my conditions

"I wouldn't have it any other way baby, I love your strength and your power and it would be a disservice to our pack to waste the gift that the Moon Goddess created" He says as he pulls me in tightly to his chest and kisses my forehead, "I love you too Hannah, always have, always will"

"Are you sure Jake? You seemed to like the idea of having Emma as your mate, so submissive and sweet, perfect for a control freak like you" I laugh, he had been putting in so much effort to win Emma over, not realising that she was never his mate at all.

"Fuck, I forgot about Emma, I was so wrapped up in the fact that you told me you loved me that I forgot that Emma thinks I'm her mate and she's expecting me to explain it all to her too, shit Hannah, I don't wanna hurt the girl, although after today's little stunt at training she may just go back to thinking I'm an arsehole"

I respected Jake so much for not wanting to hurt Emma, he cared about her but there was a small pang of jealousy inside me, it was ridiculous really, but the thought of Jake with another girl, even Emma, made me jealous because he was mine.

"I don't want Emma to be hurt either, she's not a bad person, she didn't sign up for any of this either and if her father hadn't tried to play God and prevent his daughter from dying, like she was destined to, then I wouldn't be in this position, I would be able to freely be with you without having to consider who was going to get hurt"

"You knew she was dying?" Jake asks me, shocked, I guess he just thought it all happened quickly.

"He didn't get it right at first, the soul transfer, I wasn't his first attempt, there were three of us, the other two died, they were human and couldn't withstand the pain but I could, being a werewolf and being a fast healer it made the transfer easy but because I had my wolf with me it was hard to keep his dear daughter dominate within my body so he started poisoning me with wolfsbane, every night, mixed with a sedative. She has no idea, she just thinks her daddy is her best friend, she doesn't know how fucked up that man was, he was a murderer and I'm so happy that I had him killed as vengeance for what he did to us"

I take Jake's hand and lead him away from the training area and head down to the oak tree, it's my favourite place on the pack grounds and I know that sitting down here no one will disturb us.

"This isn't the first time I've been free" I explain to Jake as we take a seat on the bench under the tree, "There were times that Carl became careless and didn't have Emma drink the wolfsbane so my wolf, Honey, wasn't weakened. I could take over and I tried to run away but I couldn't get past the front gate"

"Because of the barrier he had put up" Jake says and I give him a small smile, he knew about the barrier which means he's tried to come to the house but couldn't.

"Yep, so I knew I had to come up with a plan of how to escape. I remembered that my father once told me that vampires can control their scent, it's how they can sneak up on wolves in human form and attack so easily, I started working on controlling my scent, seeing if I could attracted a vampire, for two years, on the night of the full moon each month I would work on increasing my scent by thinking of you, of all the memories we had made together because I knew that the full moon made my wolf stronger, even if she was drugged with wolfsbane and I knew it was working because each time a vampire would get closer and closer and then it happened, one came into the yard and attacked Carl and killed him, breaking the barrier and when it came into the house I pushed Emma to run, I could have dusted it there but I needed her to run to the pack boarder, I needed you to protect her until I was strong again"

"Emma had those dreams about us, she wrote about them in her journal and I thought she was keeping tabs on us but it was you, you made that happen?" He questions me, astonished, "But why would you want her to come here so I could protect her but you still told her I'd betray her?"

"I've been angry at you for so long and I blamed you for things that you had no control over. I honestly thought you betrayed me, that you were in on it but when you said your father locked you in the cells that night I knew you couldn't have betrayed me."

He cups my face with his warm hand, running his thumb over my bottom lip, I can feel the sparks electrifying between us, pulling us closer together.

"I'd never betray you baby, I'm in awe of who you are but I want to bring down whoever did this, I need you to tell me everything" Jake begs me but I can't tell him anything, not yet. I need to distract him, to get him to stop asking me what happened and I know the perfect distraction, me.

I pull myself onto Jake's lap, my knees placed either side of his legs. I can feel the heat rising between us as I come in closer, bring my lips to his, I swipe my tongue across his bottom lip and he allows it access inside his mouth, letting it softly dance with his own as I tug at his hair. He lets out a small moan, urging me to keep going as his hands explore my body. I've wanted this moment for so long and now that it's here it's even better than I could have imagined, I'm with Jake, he's mine, all mine and nothing can take him away from me.

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