Chapter 18

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I was running late, I was meant to meet Jake at the training area at 2pm but I was reading the new book my Father had given me for my birthday and I lost track of time, it wasn't until I heard Jake's voice in my head asking me where I was that I realised. I quickly changed into into pants and a t-shirt, threw on my trainers and ran as fast as I could. I hate breaking a promise and I was so consumed with the worry that Jake would think I wasn't serious about his offer to train with his pack that I wasn't paying attention when I was pelting past the pack house and came crashing hard into a boy, bringing him to the ground.

"Are you alright" He asks me as I climb to my feet, great, now I have grass stains on my pants and look like a complete mess.

"I'm so sorry, I'm late for training" I try to explain as I keep heading towards the area.

"I am too, Alpha will most likely chew me out in front of everyone, he hates me coz I'm always late but I can't help it, I have to come here from school and it's a bit of a trek when you don't have a car" The boy tells me as he jogs up beside me, "My name's Alexander by the way, I haven't seen you at training before"

"I'm Emma, I'm new here, Jake invited me to train with your group today"

"Wow, that's a pretty big deal to get invited by the Alpha of the pack to come to training, especially our pack's Alpha, Jake can be..." Alexander stops to search for the right word, "A dick"

Had I met Alexander a day ago I would probably agree with him but I've since seen another side to Jake, a softer, more caring, almost flirtatious side. The Jake I got to know last night just wants the best for his pack. As we reach the training area Alexander takes his position along the sides with the others and I join Jake at the front.

"Sorry, I lost track of time" I apologise but Jake just scowls at me.

"You realise I can smell him all over you right?" Jake stares at me with a look of disgust before turning his attention back to his pack, "Emma, this is my 15 to 17 year old training group" Jake tells me, I look around the group and see that it a mixture of both boys and girls, "Most of the people will go on to become warriors for our pack once they turn 18", I watch Jake's eyes settle on Alexander, "But some won't because they've proven to me time and again that they are too weak and cowardly"

"What the hell are you doing?" I ask Jake through gritted teeth. This is not what I thought training would be like at all.

Jake ignores me and instead steps onto the training mat. "Alexander, step up" He demands and I can see the fear in Alexander's eyes but still he steps forward, "You wanna touch what's mine then you better be prepared to get your arse handed to you kid"

I watch in shock as Jake picks up Alexander and slams him hard into the ground. I can feel the anger building inside of me, this isn't right, Alexander did nothing wrong, he doesn't deserve this. Alexander tries his best to get up but Jake wont allow it, holding him in a head lock.

"Stop this Jake please, you're hurting him" I scream, I can feel the tears running down my cheeks. Jake lets go but keeps his eyes locked on mine as he steps away from Alexander and back beside me.

"How dare you undermine me in front of my pack, who the fuck do you think you're talking to Emma?" I can feel the heat radiating off of him as he scolds me but I'm too focused on my own anger, I can feel that my control is slipping, that she is ready to take over if I can't get this contained.

"Me? Undermine you? I came here today to learn from you but you're too busy stroking your own ego" I begin to walk away from him but he wraps his hands around my wrist and holds me in place.

"Let me go!"

"Make me"

Oh no, no no, no no no no

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