Chapter 25

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The sound of hooves, heavily hitting the forest bed, echoed through the darkened night. Every howl had me anxiously waiting for the news that they'd found her but each time Sebastian would mind link back to me, dashing any hope I'd been cradling. 

I felt so useless, what type of Alpha can't join the search for his missing mate? The wolfsbane may have been expelled from my body but had rendered me weak. This was too much of a coincidence to not be connected, they'd successfully taken me out to get to Hannah, again. 

I knew now that the wolfsbane had been planted in my cottage when we were at the pack meeting. Hannah was picking up the scent of blood which indicates it was a vampire who broke in my cottage but how they got past the barrier is what I can't figure out. Vampires have to be invited in, there's no way around that for them and I know I sure as hell didn't lay out the welcome mat to a vampire. 

My stomach twisted in knots as my head filled with vile, disgusting thoughts of what her kidnappers could be doing to her. Hannah is stronger than any wolf but only when she's active. Emma wouldn't be able to fight off an attack. 

As I sat out on my porch, staring off into the bushland, hoping I could find her, the guilt began to consume me. This was all my fault, just like last time was. 

My phone began to vibrate in my pocket and I pulled it out, answering the call without even looking at who was calling.

"Emma?" I desperately cry out.

"No, sorry Alpha, it's Doctor Hazel." The doctor answers, leaving me more deflated. "I'm calling because I was reviewing the security footage.."

"You've got footage of who took Emma?" I blurt out, it never even occurred to me that the hospital has security cameras throughout and that those cameras would have captured Emma being taken from her room. 

"We do but..." The doctor pauses and my heart stops. But what? But do we know who the kidnapper is? But the footage is messed up and we can't see their face?

"But?" I push her, getting increasingly frustrated that she won't tell me what she's found.

"Jake, she wasn't taken, she left," Hazel informs me and all the blood drains from my face. 

"Left?" I question Hazel, trying hard to make this make sense. "As in ran away from the hospital?"

"Yes, Jake." Hazel confirms my fears. "It was seconds before your father stepped off the elevator, in fact, if she had waited for the elevator then they would have crossed paths but she bolted down the stairs."

"Why would she want to run away?" The question plagues me. Was she running from me? Emma was extremely unhappy with me this morning when she thought I'd hurt Alexander but we'd talked through that. Maybe she got spooked by the wolfsbane taking me down, to anyone not familiar with the effect wolfsbane can have on a wolf I guess it could be very traumatic. 

"I don't know Jake but there's something else I feel I have to tell you. When I injected the antidote into their body, Hannah instantly became active again." The doctor explains, leaving me even more confused.

"But, you told me that Emma was active, not Hannah." I angrily call her out, feeling pissed off that I was lied to.

"Yes because Hannah asked me not to tell you, she wanted to surprise you," Hazel admits sheepishly.

"Well, colour me surprised," I say sarcastically. "Do you think Hannah planned this escape then?" 

"I don't want to speculate on that but I think you should know that she was very wary of me, once I'd told her I was a witch," Hazel says, creating a new theory in my mind. 

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