Chapter 19

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I felt her deliver the first blow to my face as she punched me hard, followed by her knee connecting with my stomach which made me double over and easier for her to then pick me up and slam me onto the ground, hard. She was strong, stronger than any warrior I'd ever fought before her and it surprised me, considering it would of been years since her last battle and she was just a child back then, now she was an adult and it was as if no time had passed, she was still as swift with her moves, her reflexes still as sharp. She wasn't just a warrior, she was designed by the Moon Goddess to be a weapon of destruction and I had just purposely provoked her, to bring her out to play.

She placed her foot on my windpipe, applying light pressure as she looked down at me and growled. I knew I had Sebastian and Daniel close by in case this got out of hand. By now my training pack had dispersed, I mind linked Alexander to thank him for the part he played in our experiment, I felt a little bad that I went so hard on the kid but I had to make it all look real or else Emma wouldn't buy it, I needed her angry, more than just angry, I needed her fuming.

"So are you going to kill me? I'd like to know if these are my last few moments on this Earth so I can say my farewells to my sister" I calmly ask her, she keeps her eyes locked on mine as she pulls her foot back and I sit up. I'm sore all over, it's been years since I've taken a beating like that.

"I don't break pack rules" She says to me sternly, her eyes are cold, "And I wouldn't go against the Moon Goddess' laws either"

To kill a member of your own pack was dealt with the harshest of punishments, like spending the rest of your life locked in a cell, to kill your mate would result in instant death at the hands of the Moon Goddess herself.

"I'm sorry Hannah, I know you feel like I let you down..."

"Because you did Jake, you were the only person who knew I was waiting out by the boundary line, you set me up"

"I didn't Hannah, I swear I didn't, had I known what was going to happen to you I would never have agreed to meet you. I've spent years searching for you, everyday, you never left my thoughts"

"I spent 10 years, trapped, tortured, suppressed up in that house and you're trying to tell me you were looking for me? How hard did you look Jake?"

"Tell me what happened? Tell me who took you? Was it just Emma's Father or did he have help?" I'm begging her for answers because I don't know how long she can stay dominate within the body and I can't keep making Emma angry to bring Hannah out, it isn't fair on Emma.

"Stop pretending you don't know Jake, you may fool sweet, naive Emma with this 'I'm a good guy who won't betray you' act but I know you, I know what you did" Her voice is so hard and cold.

"I'm sorry that I let you down Hannah, it was beyond my control. my dad caught me sneaking out and he locked me in the cells, I had no idea what happened to you until your Father announced you were missing. I have lived with the guilt for over 10 years and now to find out what that monster did to you, I feel even worse"

She holds out her hand to help pull me up from the ground, letting out a low, chilling laugh as I climb to my feet as she studies me intently

"What?" I ask her after a moment.

"This place. I just can't believe I'm back here, finally" She exclaims as a beautiful smile spreads across her face as she takes in everything around her. I want to hug her, hold onto her tightly and never let her go, I want to promise her that I will forever protect her and never allow anyone to hurt her ever again because she's my mate but I can't because she doesn't want me, she doesn't trust me, I failed her and in her eyes I betrayed her and it's killing me to hold back but there's also a part of me that feels I have to know where I stand with her, she has my entire future, as well as her own, residing inside of one decision.

"Are you going to reject me Hannah?"

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