Chapter 11

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"And to what do we owe the pleasure of your company this morning?" I ask my sister, although it's not unusual for her to pop by my cottage unannounced. We were never close as children, if I'm being honest there was a small part of me that despised her, I had the weight of the world placed upon my shoulders while she got to live a life that was carefree and I envied her. Our father was a hard, emotion-less man, except when it came to his daughter, the apple of his eye and it has taken me a long time to see past our father's expectations of the roles we were designed to play within our family and to just get to know Louisa for the kind, compassionate and somewhat hilarious person she is and I grew to love her, not because I had to, being my twin sibling but because I could now respect her.

Today I feel that there's purpose behind her visit though, I could see it written on her face when she entered the room.

"I was hoping to catch you before you left this morning, I want to talk to you about something" She tells me before turning her attention to my guest, "Emma, do you think you can watch the boys for a moment while I talk to Jake outside? Theres a box of toys in the living room that they like to play with." Emma nods with excitement and leads my nephews to the living room. I grab a t-shirt from a drawer in the bedroom and meet Louisa outside my front door.

"So, what's going on Lou? What's with the secret meeting? Is it about the baby?" Panic runs through me, knowing Louisa had a scan yesterday, she had a scare early on in the pregnancy and had been told to take things easy but my sister was never someone who could sit back and let others around her take on the work load, sure Sebastian and I had managed to convince her to delegate a lot of her pack duties to Serena and a few others but there was no way she was going to just give up everything and sit at home until the baby was born.

"Your niece is fine" She assures me, smiling brightly

"It's a girl? That amazing news, congratulations" I hug her tightly, I would have been happy for them either way but I knew Lou had been hoping for a girl, not that she didn't love her boys but I know she longed for a mini version of herself.

"I'm actually wanting to talk to you about Emma" She presses on, a small smile forming across her tired face. I wish she wouldn't keep pushing herself so much, "I was thinking we should do something for her, something special, seeing as it was her 18th birthday yesterday and I would like to make her feel special. That poor girl had her whole life ripped out from under her and now she's stuck here, most likely feeling well out of place"

"I don't want to overwhelm her with our usual parties but I would like to do something, maybe something small, like a dinner, just us, Sebastian and the Gamma cottage?" I suggest

"I was hoping you'd say something like that although, after last night I thought I better check first" Lou stresses.

I couldn't admit this to my sister, or to anyone really, but a lot had changed in me after Emma had yelled at me last night. There was a part of me that was a bit taken aback by her aggressive tone. I'd never been challenged as Alpha of this pack, never been spoken back to until Emma and I liked that fire inside of her so when I found her crying under the old oak tree it broke me, to know that I had caused those tears. I'd never cared before, it was a confusing feeling and I wanted to comfort her but I knew she wouldn't allow it and I didn't want to cause her any more anguish. Thank the Moon Goddess that she took to Rayne, she allowed him to sit with her and listen and even invited him inside. Sleeping on the hardwood floor beside my bed and then sneaking out early this morning probably wasn't the best idea but I needed her to feel protected.

"I have some things to do this morning and training this afternoon with the warriors but I should be free tonight, I could cook?" I offer.

"Ah Jake, I want her to enjoy the night, not end up with food poisoning. I'll cook, we can do it at my place, it's bigger and easier with the boys" Lou laughs, she often gives me shit about my lack of culinary skills.

"Oh and one more thing, how were you planning on breaking the news about Dorothy to the Wicked Witch?"

Fuck!!! How had Angelica slipped my mind in all of this?

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