Chapter 2

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"It's Hannah's birthday tomorrow, her 18th birthday" I tell Sebastian as we walk the perimeter of the boundary lines. I hang my head in shame, I haven't seen Hannah since I was 9 years old, the day that we played down by the old oak tree. Growing up we were always so close, even through I was 2 years older than she was she still was able to keep up, she could run faster than any pup, she was strong and fearless and then one night she vanished, no scent left to track, no body found, she was just gone and I was alone but I've never stopped thinking about her, never gave up hope that she's out there, somewhere. The Elders stopped looking for her after a year, even her parents gave up hope, transferring to a new pack to escape the memories. I made a promise to myself that when I became Alpha of the Tingira pack that I would strengthen the guard around the property lines, that I wouldn't be a leader who just sits in his office all day, I'd be out there with my wolves, protecting our land and I would keep the tale of the prophecy alive because I believed that she would return to us one day.

"You need to let it go Jake, it's been over 10 years now, you need to start searching for your mate, our pack needs a Luna, someone to calm our hostile Alpha" Sebastian, my Beta, encourages me. It's all good and well for him, he found his mate about a year ago. I kept myself at a distance from everyone but Sebastian, life was easier this way and yes, I guess my pack would consider me to be "Hostile", I could be cold, unkind, I could show no mercy at times but if it kept us safe from lies within the forrest then it was worth it.

"You should go be with Lousia, you've got a pup on the way" I urge Sebastian, not wanting to admit that I wanted to be alone tonight with my thoughts, he nods his head and walks towards the pack house. I make my way over to my head guard to be debriefed.

"Evening Alpha" Peter greets me, bowing his head, "We've got news trickling down from the nest, they're up to something tonight"

"I'll wander up there then, find out what they're up to, they know not to go beyond the forrest lines" I tell Peter before changing into my wolf and running off into the forrest. There's no moon tonight, making it harder to see through the mass of trees so I use my nose to try and pick up their scent. Vampires smell of blood because it is their life force, it's what they eat, it's what they lust after and they don't care where they take it from, although I have been informed that they prefer human blood over animal, except wolf blood, our blood is poison to them when we are in wolf form so I know that I am safe as I make my way past the cemetery and head towards the top of the forrest. I've picked up the scent of the vampire, a female but theres another scent too, a stronger scent, it could be a rouge werewolf but it doesn't smell like a rouge, it smells unlike any other creature I've ever crossed paths with, almost sweet, distracting, intoxicating. I'm too distracted by the scent to notice my prey get a jump on me and hold me down, I growl at her, baring my teeth and she flashes her fangs in retaliation.

"Back off wolf, she's mine" The vampire screams at me. She? She who? I can't smell a human female. I feel her blood lust as she rolls off me and stalks towards the edge of the forrest, toward the tiny house. I follow her but as she steps outside of the forrest and onto the land surrounding the house I am blocked, it's like theres an invisible wall up, most likely created by a powerful warlock to protect his home, it's smart really but how was the vampire able to cross it?

I pull my ears back to be able to listen to the exchange from the house, the vampire is being challenged by an old man, I can hear her say something about power and wanting to feast before the loud crack is heard and I watch as the man falls to the ground. There's something of value in that house that the vampire wants and it is now my mission to make sure she doesn't get it. I ready myself for a fight, mind linking the guards to be on alert but I am distracted as the intoxicating scent flashes by me, running through the forrest, followed closely by the blood lust. I pull myself together and join the chase, Ive got to catch the vampire before she can catch her prey but whatever it is, it's fast and the vampire can't keep up.

We reach the pack's boundary lines and I watch the prey stop abruptly, turning around, I can see that she's a young girl, she has a book in one hand and a stake in the other, she drops her book and forms a fighting stance.

"You want my blood? Come get it bitch" She yells out to the vampire, her scent is so powerful now, I let my eyes gaze upon her, she's stunning, captivating, long blonde hair, dressed in her pyjamas, she's ready to battle. The vampire lunges at her and she side steps the attack, grabbing the vampire by the neck as she falls, "You killed my father and now you will pay" She says calmly, holding the vampire up by the neck with one hand and driving the stake through it's chest. I watch as the vampire turns to dust and is blown away by the night air, the girl takes two steps, stumbles and comes crashing down to the ground.

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