Chapter 4

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Should have just taken her to the cells and locked her up, she took on a vampire last night on her own, which tells me that she's strong and smart and instead of locking her up I let her sleep in my bed. You're getting weak Jake, you've got a war brewing outside and you've probably just invited the enemy in.

She smells like honeydew melon

Ah, there it is, the reason I didn't follow my instinct, I followed the desire of Rayne, my wolf. So this was what the mate bond feels like? Weakness. Look at her, with her long, blonde wavy hair that cascades down her back, her petite frame and her apple green eyes that keep looking up at me as she shovels food into her mouth, each time I catch her looking she quickly looks away.

She's afraid of you

Good, she should be.

She won't mate with us if she's scared of you

Is that all you think about Rayne? I don't want to mate with her, I don't want to mate with anyone.

Except Hannah

"Thank you for breakfast but I should probably get going though" She tells me, breaking my concentration, I cant help but look at her, dressed in her now muddy pyjamas, her eyes showing sadness.

"Emma, I cant let you leave here" I tell her firmly

"You can't stop me from leaving Jake" She fires back at me, standing up to make her point.

"You're right Emma, I can't stop you, so if you wanna go then go but know this, once you walk beyond our boundary lines then you will be hunted by my men and they've been instructed to show no mercy towards rouges because that's what they will smell, a rouge" I calmly explain to her and I'm not lying either, my warriors have been trained to track and kill rouges who come near our boundary lines, it's the only way I can keep the pack safe. I can see Emma taking this all into consideration as she sits back down.

"How do I get rid of my rouge scent then?" She asks innocently, almost confused

"You have to stay with the pack from new moon until full moon to develop our scent" I inform her

"Pack?" She questions me, even more confused

"Yes Emma, pack, as in werewolf pack. You've wandered onto our land" I clarify

"I'm not a werewolf though" She laughs softly and now I'm the one looking confused

"Emma I can smell wolf all over you" I tell her, how can she not know she's a wolf?

"Jake I-"

"Alpha, you do not call me Jake within my own pack house, it is disrespectful and you will be punished if it happens again, am I clear Emma?"

"Yes Alpha"

"Good, now, you were saying?"

"Nevermind" She says, lowering her head, I can hear the whimper.

You made her cry, good job Jake, now she will hate us.

I didn't mean to make her cry, fuck and now Rayne is giving me shit over it too.

"I'm going to go to my office and work, it's in the main house. Serena should be here soon with some clothes for you to wear. Once you're dressed you can wander the yard if you want or come to the main house. There also a doctor at the house, if you wanna confirm what I told you" I suggest to her and she looks up at me, the apple green eyes now bloodshot red from crying

You should go hug her, sniff her, she would loved to be sniffed

I'm not going to touch her Rayne, I'm going to my office to read more of the book she dropped, I need to figure out who she is.

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