Author's Note (Serious)

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Dear Reader(s),

I know that you are probably all dying to read another chapter of this masterpiece of a book, and believe me: there is definitely more coming. I say that because if you didn't know (and if you don't know, then where have you been and how can I move to where you are), coronavirus has infected almost every single country In the world (mine included).

I knew when I wrote this that I would like to put at least just one serious thing in this book. If I never write anything serious in this book ever again, don't be surprised. But this chapter is actually (surprisingly) serious

I would like to say that I am thankful for all who are seriously helping to try to and relieve this crisis, such as doctors, nurses, and health officials.

I'd like to say that those who are being affected by COVID-19, whether catching it themselves or having to watch loved ones go through it, I am deeply sorry and I hope things turn out and that you recover from this event, either physically, mentally, or both.

And for those who are not taking this seriously, I would like for you to please research this crisis and not put your own judgement before the judgement of health officials, AKA people who have studied to become health professionals. People are dying from this pandemic, and for those to sit there and ignore it is very upsetting.

With that said, please stay safe and healthy! We will all get through this, I promise. We will hopefully return to normalcy sooner rather than later.

Remember to social distance (6 feet or 2 meters), wash/sanitize your hands, don't visit people (social distancing), stay in your house and wear a mask in public if you have one.

With digital hugs and quarantined compliments,


P.S: If you want to suggest ideas for coming chapters, leave a comment here or on any other story or PM me, and I will hopefully write it asap! I need some ideas to continue this book, so don't be shy guys!

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