Gone Fishin' Part 2!!! - [GONE SUS!!!!!] 😱🙈😲

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Berwald decided that even though Tino wasn't real, he wasn't going to waste his reservations for Mickey Mouse's Diner.

He took an Uber to the 7th gate of hell and walked inside the diner.

It was covered wall to wall in Mickey Mouse memorabilia, including Mickey Mouse's extensive criminal record, including DUIs, snorting parmesan, and speaking too loudly in a library.

Sweden gasped when he read the last criminal charge.

Speaking too loudly in a public library?? Sweden thought to himself. What a bad boy! He's probably even cuter in person!

All of a sudden, the clearing of someone's throat drew Sweden from his thoughts. He turned around, and there he was.

"Ha-hey there hottie, it's me, Mickey Mouse!" The mouse said, smirking.

Sweden's face turned red. Mickey wasn't just even cuter in person, he was downright segsy!

Sweden gulped nervously. "H'llo m'ster mouse.."

Mickey Mouse smirked seductively.

"Say... you wanna come inside my clubhouse?"

Sweden turned red. He couldn't believe his ears! Was Mr. Mouse really asking him to come inside the VIP room (aka the clubhouse)?!?! For once, he was glad his Grindr date was a failure. Otherwise he wouldn't have had the opportunity to get to know Mr. Mouse.


Mickey opened the door to the VIP room. There was a fancy atmosphere to it. The tile was patterned with the outline of Mickey's head. Sweden was appreciative of someone with class, and Mickey seemed to have class to spare.

They sat at the table as a strange, lanky dog approached them.

"Hey there, Mick! I brought a Burger-For-Two for you and your friend here." The dog winked at Sweden.

"Huh-ha, thanks Goofy!" Mickey said before the dog retreated back to the kitchen area.

Mickey and Sweden talked for quite a while, and Sweden found him charming and sweet, while still having a bad boy side.

All of a sudden Mickey politely interrupted what Sweden was saying to ask: "Sorry, but can I just ask something crazy?"

Sweden nodded, all ears to say cheers.

"Will you marry me?"

Sweden gasped, not expecting a proposal so soon. He was expecting Mickey to wait at least 5 minutes more before asking. Sweden's eyes welled up with tears as he nodded.


Mickey, Sweden, and the gang quickly rushed to the alter. They had invited only close friends.

Norway and Denmark had shown up as Sweden's bridesmaids while Donald and Goofy were Mickey's groomsmen. Iceland was their flower girl and Mr. Puffin was the ring bearer. The wedding was being officiated by Daisy while the audience contained Clarabelle, Germany, Pete, England, and a very unhappy Minnie.

Daisy proceeded with the entire wedding, then pausing apprehensively before saying.

"Are there any objections?" She asked.
"Speak now or forever hold your peace."


Daisy was about to continue as a voice pierced the air.

"I object!"

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