Heyyy That's purty gayyy

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AN: Idk. Crack. Can't spell. Pretty bad man.

One day Japan was walkin around Germany's place bc they was about to bag them some Allies.
"Oh ciao Mr. Toyota" said spagetti noodle.
"For da rast time Itary my name is Kiku HONDA not TOYOTA"
"Whatever you say, Mr. BMW"

Then came the angry gay potato man.
"GUtAnTag" he said angrily. "It iS mEh, GurMANLY und I am here to drink beer, eat potatoes UND nOt UndErStand MeIN SeXUALity."

"Wow same" said every Hetalia character imaginable. "Minus the potatoe part"

"SCHEISSE" said Germany "WE hAvE tO dO ZE trAinIng"

"Aye Aye, captain-san." said Japan man

"Do I LOOk liKe ZE pirAtE to yoU? nEiN aNIME bOi"

"But sir-a..." said Italy, being aggravatingly adorable,  as always.  "We-a are-a anime-a boys-a."


"He said "But sir, we are anime boys," Japan said, striking some weird pose from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.

"I Do NoT gEt It BuT iTaLy vill you MaRRy mE?" Germany blushed all kawaii and yeeted a potatoe at a creeping Romano

"You-a are-a my-a freind-a Holy-a Doitsu-a" Itary said, very blushy like.

Meanwhile, in the bushes, the Allies were doing Allies stuff and saw this crap.

America laughed. "Heyyy that's pretty gayyyyy"

France le noded like le cool kid.

"Zip it wanker." Muttered Brit Boi. "I cAn hEaR yOu N O D D I N G "

"cyka blyat" vodka'd Mother Russia.

Canada spoke up from literally nowhere "That's sad... friendzoned boi..."

"WHO ARE YOU MYSTERY MAN ARUUUUUUU" screeched China, as he raised a hello kitty bag full of bricks above his head, ready to throw it.

"I'm Canada, you tools". he wheespered then immediately disappeared with a glitter bomb.

Everyone got confused af.

"Honhon he gits it from moi" oofed France, tossing his weird hair and laughing his froggy laugh.

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