British Bacon Boi (One Shot)

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"EH," screeched England, waking up after his alarm started blaring Harry Potter music.

"EUBCIRHBEHDCB" England said while he got dressed, looking like a snazzy lil gent as always.

He dabbed and then went to brush his fabulous hair.

He looked in the mirror and let out a huge GASp

His fabulous eyebrows were gone! In their place was two pieces of bacon glued with Elmer's glue stick, which was the annoying purple color.

"What the bloody hecc?!" shouted England, because he was stuck on America's Christian Minecraft Server, and couldn't swear like the lil sailor he was. "Where are me eyebrows?? Also why is the glue purple? It isn't going to dry that way, so why bother?!"

"OH HOnHOnhon Ouioui baguette croissant Im hot" said France, because he was french. Oh, and because he snuck into England's house and we could all hear him being a lil french .

"Nani?!" England shouted because Hulu will only give me the Japanese version of Hetalia. "W-what are you doing in my house, b-baka?!" 

"Yes," said French-Fry, leaning in the doorway like a smexy mimosa. "I am here because I am here."

England grabbed his wand that he got from his visit to Universal Studios and waved it around "LEVIOSA" he shrieked, but nothing happened.

"Um actually," said Francey pants, casually doing the whip and nae nae, "It's LevioSAH"

And that, my friends, is how England died because his eyebrows were turned into bacon in his sleep and because France was a better Slytherin him.

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