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🍍🍍🍍(Mature Content Warning)🍍🍍🍍

Arthit's POV

It's been eight years. Eight amazing years with my husband. He is just as handsome as the day...hmm...when did I start finding him handsome? I guess fourteen? Gosh, he is now thirty two, and he has only gotten hotter. He is starting to look more like a man than a boy. I'm resting on my side with my head propped up on one elbow. I watched his tan bare chest softly rising and falling peacefully. I want to run my tongue between his pecs. All his workouts with Max and Tul have paid off. I really should take Max and Tul out sometime for their contribution. I pulled the covers down a little to see a little more skin. Ooo...That's it. He has had enough sleep by now. It's already been six hours. I can wake him up, right?

If you're curious as to why I'm awake before him, I'll have you know it's because of jet lag. I came back last night making sure I'll be back for our anniversary. I had my secretary Mia make reservations for a fancy dinner over three months ago. I can't wait for a night out. It feels like it's been forever since the last time we went out alone. These days, it's near impossible with our crazy schedules. And on our days off, we have to have family time. We feel too guilty to go out without the babies.

Yep. That's right folks. B.A.B.I.E.S! We have four of them. About three years ago, we finally gave in to Grammy, and her not so subtle hints of time to give her grandbabies. I mean, we were kind of thinking about it too. Seeing all our friends start having babies made us want them too. Especially M and May's adorable baby girl Gracie and her rosy cheeks. Even Bright and his wife Sam already had their two babies at the time, and now they have a total of three babies. They are all back to back too. Poor Sam just couldn't get a break from Bright. I wouldn't be surprised if they announce another one.

Anyway, we weighed our options. We had an unsuccessful experience with adoption many years ago. We really thought about trying again. We had met many wonderful children in different orphanages, but we just didn't feel the connection. Also, Kong's heart was very guarded. I know he doesn't show it, but that first unsuccessful experience really broke him. I know he tried very hard to put up a strong front to keep me from seeing how disappointed he was. I know this because months later, I had found two little backpacks hidden in the closet of our second bedroom that he had bought for those kids. Inside each of the backpacks had a little card welcoming them to our family. So, we were both heartbroken. After that, it took us a long time to even reconsider having kids. So, I didn't force the matter, and just let it be.

Then one day, I was venting with Toota about just giving up on the idea of kids. And boy did he give me an earful. He said parenthood is not for everyone, but it's obvious that Kong and I wanted kids, so I shouldn't give up so easily. Toota and Sam at the time were also trying to have another baby through surrogacy. It was their second time, so they knew what they were doing. And with Sam being a doctor himself, he knew all the necessary preparations and procedures too. So, we naturally turned to them for advice. I have always wanted a boy to look as handsome as my Kong, and Kong wants a girl with dimples like me. I don't even know why we took so long to even consider surrogacy.

So, through the same agency Toota and Sam were using, we found a nice surrogate named Lina. We heard about the chances of having multiples were higher with IVF, but we really didn't expect FOUR. It was quite a shock. We really only wanted one to test the waters first, but instead we got tossed in the sea with four sharks, uhm I mean babies. But we couldn't be happier. At least we are done with one shot. Lina stayed at Kongpob's family home during the whole pregnancy. It was an interesting and exciting time for all of us trying to bond with the babies. Kong and I had our heads attached to Lina's belly all the time trying to talk and listen to the babies. During the last two months, Kongpob and I moved back to my mom's house just in case the babies arrived earlier than scheduled.

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