Lost & Found

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Arthit's POV

I'm in so much trouble. I don't even know what to do. I don't know how this happened. Where should I even begin? Okay, let's calm down and rewind to yesterday.


Wait a second. I drop the mattress I'm holding as Stella is crying and reaching for me. I'm watching the babies by myself while Reena, our helper slash nanny, took the day off.

"Oh, what's wrong Lala? Don't rub your eyes like that, baby. Tell Papa what's wrong." I gently tug her little fists away from her teary eyes.

"SolSkySar Bun Bun get me ajdgsjhkjshka...waaa."

"Aww... don't cry. Papa go look, okay?"

Aish! The boys must have tossed Stella's toy again. The babies can't say their full names yet, so all of their names have been shortened or simplified.

Carrying my princess down the hallway, I can already hear the boys making a racket in their shared room.

Chup. I kiss Lala's little palm as she holds my face.

Upon entering the kid's room, Lala wiggles out of my arms and points to the top of the dresser where her bunny is half dangling off the edge. "Waaa..."

"Solar! Skylar! Saros! Which one of you guys threw Lala's Bun Bun up there?" I ask the boys as I survey their room that looks like a tornado had ripped through. Toys, clothes, and blankets are strewn all over the place. Gosh, I was only gone for a matter of minutes.

All three boys look at me with their eyes wide, their lips trembling, and in unison, "Waaa...Papa...waaa...Papa...waaa."

And of course, the moment when the others cry, Lala has to cry too. Now all four of them are crying and rubbing their eyes out. So I immediately grab Bun Bun from the dresser and sit down on the floor in the middle of the room with my arms and legs wide open.

"Aww...come here. Come. Come." Then all four of them come over to me and I wrap my arms around all my babies the best I can.

"It's okay. Papa's not mad at you guys." I try to calm each of them down and kiss the top of their heads. Then they turn to kiss each other on the cheeks. I don't know if other siblings do this too but my babies like to soothe each other when they're sad. Some people might feel like it's a lot to have four little two-year-olds running around, but I wouldn't trade it for the world.

"Okay, it's nappy time. Let's get ready."

None of them protest or whine as they yawn at the mention of sleep and their eyes start to droop. So I usher all of them to the bathroom to use the potty and wash their hands before laying them in their king-size bed. I put on their favorite Beatles lullaby and watch as they pair up, hugging each other until they drift to sleep.

I get up and start straightening their room even though it'll return to the same state the moment they wake up, but as they say, a father's job is never done.

Oh shit! I almost forgot. I'm in trouble. Yeah, I'm in real trouble.

Softly closing the kid's bedroom door, I quickly head back to my room. Now, where can it be? As I was saying earlier before Stella came in crying, I'm in trouble. You see, the thing is, I've somehow managed to misplace one of my wedding bands. It's the one Kong gave me.

I don't usually take them off even when I sleep because I'm afraid I would lose them. I only take them off when it's absolutely necessary. Yet, somehow I've lost one of them. I've looked everywhere in the house and my bedroom already. But I still can't find it.

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